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It's already 4 pm and we were practicing none stop until we got tired and take a break for a bit.

Jungkook: That was tiring, phew.
He said while he sweats and breathing heavily.

Seoyun: Atleast we already know the choreography but we still need to practice more.
I said and drink my water.

I was still drinking my water when suddenly someone called on my phone. I immediately answer the call without looking at the ID caller.


Seoyun: Hello?

Taehyung: Seoyun-shi it's me Taehyung.

Seoyun: Oh~ Oppa!, why did you call?
I felt a sudden stare from beside me.

Taehyung: I just wanna know if how are you doing?

Seoyun: I'm good and how about you oppa?
The stare from beside me became glare.

Taehyung: I'm also good, btw how is you're partnership with Jungkook?

Seoyun: Well it's a bit difficult for me 'cause he is so rude and like a jerk.
I replied while Taehyung laughed so hard.

Taehyung: Don't worry you will be close soon, okay i need to go now Seoyun-shi, have a great day and practice hard. Bye.

Seoyun: Ne! Annyeong oppa.
I hung up the call.

I looked at my side and saw Jungkook crossing his arms and glaring at me.

Is he jealous? No, why would he? But why is he glaring at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. Okay i will definitely melt at his glare.

Seoyun: Can you please stop glaring at me?

Jungkook: Who was that?
He said still glaring at me.

Seoyun: No one.

Jungkook: No one? Don't lie to me Seoyun, you even call him 'oh oppa why did you call?'
He said mimiking my voice while i just laugh at his cuteness.

Seoyun: I did call him that, so.... what?

Jungkook: Tell me who was that guy!
He said and his glare became more glare but dangerous.

Seoyun: Why do you care? It's none of your business though.
I said rolling my eyes.

Jungkook crawl slowly towards me makig me crawl back.

Seoyun: W-What do you think you're doing?
I asked nervously.

Jungkook: It's none of your business also.
He said in a husky and low voice.

Damn this guy really makes me fall for him more. The fuck is wrong wih him? Is he really that jealousy. We are not even friends or close enough to get jealous to each other. Whatever.

He leaned more close to my face that i can feel his heavy breathe.

[To be Continued...]

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