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Sami: Okay everyone prepare yourselves and your partner 'cause we will start the dancing preparation of your's.

Jungkook: Hey Seoyun-ah!
I heard Jungkook called me while i was talking to my friends.

Seoyun: What?

Jungkook come to me and sat beside me.

Jungkook: Are you ready for our dance praparation?
He said.

Seoyun: Umm... yeah.

Jungkook: Good, Sami-noona said we will be the last performing our preparation.

Seoyun: Okay. I will dress up before we perform.

Jungkook: Okay.
He said and started to talk to the boys.

Ryujin: Oh i see you both are getting more closer huh?

Lia: Yeah right.

Yeji: True.
The girls suddenly spoke.

Seoyun: Umm... maybe because we are partners.
I said.

Chaeryoung: Are you sure? You're not hiding anything from us?

Yuna: Yeah.

Seoyun: Guys, why would i hide anything from you? I will never hide anything from you, you're my friends you know.
The girls said 'aw' in my cuteness and my words.


After so many performances it's the time for me and Jungkook's performance. We walk towards the front stage where everyone perform's.

Seoyun: Hi everyone I'm Seoyun.

Jungkook: And i'm Jungkook.
The students clapped their hands for us.

Seoyun: Ne, we are performing Señorita and i hope you love and enjoy our performance.
They again start clapping and shouting our names.

Sami: You can start now. DJ play the music please.
The DJ play's the song Señorita as we start dancing and the crowd starts clapping.

At the chorus part of the song 'i love it when you call me señorita' that part will be Jungkook sitting on the chair while me doing sexy dance.

And at the end of the song and choreography is our post will be Jungkook sitting on the chair and me sitting on his lap. (You can imagine whatever you wan't from that part haha)

Jungkook: You did a great job.
He whispered on my ear still on our pose.

Seoyun: Shut up.
I said while breahing heavily.

[To be Continued...]

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