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Seoyun: Wait, let's take a break first.
I said breathin heavily.

Jungkook: Okay but 5 minute's break only.
He said and i nodded.

I get my banana milk and chips from my bag and take a sip of my banana milk. I suddenly felt a stare from beside me.

Seoyun: Hmm?

Jungkook: Uh~ umm...

Seoyun: Do you wan't some banana milk?
I asked and he quickly nodded with a puppy eyes.

Seoyun: Wait, i have one in my bag let me get it for you.
I found my another banana milk and gave it to him.

Look how cute he is when drinking banana milk, shit he is like a baby sipping his milk. Stop blushing Seoyun! Ahhh! Help me!

Jungkook: T-Thank you
He thanked me and smiles.

Wait! did the Jungjerk just smiled and thanked me? Aw, he's so cute when he smiles. I wish i can see his smiles everyday.

I was eating my chips and i felt a stare again. Ofcourse it's Jungkook again.

Seoyun: Do you wan't some?
I asked cutely.

Jungkook: Can i?
He asked innocently.

He is so rich and his house is so big but he don't have food or even snacks in this big freaking house? How the heck can he live here.

Seoyun: Sure, here you g-
I didn't finish my words when he suddenly leaned closer and bite a chip from my mouth. I was so shock when he did it that makes my eyws widened.

The fuck just happened! He is still so close to my face. I can feel his heavy breathe and his scent.

Jungkook: Mm~ yum~
He said while sitting and eating infront of me while i'm here frozen.

Seoyun: W-What t-the f-fuck just happened? Why did you do that?! Are you a pervert?!
I shouted at him but he keeps ignoring my words and just keep eating my chips.

Seoyun: Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Yah! Aish!
I said in annoyance.

[To be Continued...]

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