Chapter 3

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Jongkook's POV

I probably looked uncomfortable. I cleared my throat as I stood up from my chair, walking towards the different dishes.

Once I got my choice of food, I looked towards the table, seeing everyone in their own seats. And now, time to talk. Make a conversation. It's the first time we're getting new members so all I felt was a very slight but noticable awkward presence.

I finally sat down on my chair and I can already hear Jihyo trying her best to make conversation.

Somin's POV

I was glad that Jihyo unnie was trying her best to talk to us. Luckily, I was a talkative person. I could practically talk about anything when someone brings up a topic.

"So, you guys are the same age, right?" Jihyo unnie asked with a small smile. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's great actually," I replied.

"Not always great, we met before in another show and she's the most cheesiest woman I've ever met," Sechan joked and I rolled my eyes at him.

Jihyo unnie laughed. Oh god, even her laughter sounded pretty.

As we talked, I saw Jongkook sunbae walking towards our table in the corner of my eyes.

I gulped down my saliva. From the first time we met, he already seemed intimidating to me but towards Sechan, he seemed more open yet still so secretive. I felt jealous suddenly, wanting to get approval from everyone as a new entertainer.

But I knew that I had to be patient. The best result comes from the best effort.

He then sat down beside Jihyo, which was across from me. His presence was huge and I felt myself sitting up straight before I knew it. I could see Sechan's eyebrows frowned slightly at my sudden movement while Jihyo unnie put on a small and understanding smile.

Narrator's POV

Jongkook sensed the pressure as he saw Somin squirm in her seat. He smirked slightly before putting on a neutral face once again. Jihyo shooked her head, knowing how much Jongkook liked the idea of someone squirming under his intimidating presence.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start eating. Thank you for the food," Jaeseok announced as everyone cheered and started eating. It was not even a few seconds until the entertainers were talking loudly, causing a cheerful atmosphere.

It helped Somin relax slightly. She could sense that Sechan was about to speak so she kept quiet.

"Do you mind if I ask questions about this whole variety show? I mean, I've been in some but not too involved so I feel incredibly nervous," Sechan asked, in hopes of reassurance.

"Don't worry. Don't you know that you'll have one of the Running Man members to be your guide? We don't know who yet so let's see. You'll be totally fine since you're a comedian and entertainer," Jihyo answered.

Somin and Sechan looked at each other. "We'll have guides?" Both of them questioned in unison. Jihyo chuckled and nodded.

Somin glanced at Jongkook, who seemed clueless too. "One of us has to guide them?" He joined in.

"I thought you knew? One member will take Somin and another member will take Sechan. We just don't know who yet until PD announces it in the group chat," Jihyo shrugged.

"For how long?" Jongkook got nervous for some reason,not wanting to involve himself in this.

"A month or so. In this case,a month of episodes. Basically, 30 episodes. Just until they can adapt themselves to this new setting," Jihyo answered.

"That long?" Jongkook grimaced as Jihyo rolled her eyes.

"We had to take a year to adjust so a month is not long. Not only that, Somin has never been involved in a variety show for a long time. She's an actress. Do you think it is easy for an actress to easily adapt to a variety show?" Jihyo was getting sick of Jongkook's questions.

Somin and Sechan felt like they were watching siblings bickering with each other. It was entertaining.

Jongkook sighed. "Whatever."

Jihyo rolled her eyes. She then smiled softly at the two people infront of her. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. This is pretty much how it's like in the show. Bickering. Making fun of each other,"

"But that's why it's fun. Because it's like a family," Jihyo simply stated and finally Jongkook nodded, agreeing with her.

Jongkook looked up and stared into Somin's eyes daringly. "Now we have our new family members, will it still be fun?"

Somin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah," Somin softly replied. She could see him almost smirking until he looked down onto his plate of salad and seasoned chicken breasts.

Jihyo was just holding herself back from punching Jongkook infront of the new members when he suddenly asked that. He purposely asked that question in a mocking manner.

On the other hand,Sechan was stiffly holding his big smile with his eyes pacing back and forth from Somin to Jongkook.

"Good," He said with a low tone. The intense situation was saved by Jaeseok singing out loud.

The members, including Somin and Sechan, along with the producer and director laughed at his childishness.

"I think I could get used to this," Somin thought and smiled to herself, completely forgetting about the situation with Jongkook as Kwangsoo and Haha sang their hearts out to a song.

The dinner went on just fine. Jongkook still hesitated to open his heart to the two new members but he still tried his best by joining in the conversation.

Jihyo took a fond liking towards the two younger adults. She thought that Somin was indeed chatty but irresistably charming and cute. She thought that Sechan was witty and also a kind gentleman.

She knew that Jongkook was uncomfortable. Much to her surprise, she admitted that she was far more sociable than Jongkook. She also realised how Jongkook kept on stealing glances at Somin, as if a predator hunting his prey. The poor girl was about to deal with the hot headed boy.

Jihyo then promised right after the dinner ended, that she would try to calm Jongkook's ass and protect Somin's pure heart.

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