Chapter 15

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Narrator's POV

3 days passed and it was another day of filming Running Man. Somin groaned into her pillow when she heard the alarm ringing. She sat up from her bed and turned off the alarm, which showed 9am. It was time to get ready for the day.

After an hour of prepping herself up, she went out to eat breakfast before she headed to the set of Running Man with her management team.

Somin entered 'Coffee Bean', which was a five minute walk from her house. She ordered a cup of black coffee and a breakfast meal which consists of scrambled eggs, sausages, turkey hams and a pair of toasts for jam to be spread on.

She found a table near the window and sat on the chair, glancing at the empty chair across her, feeling slightly awkward since everyone else had a person to be sitting with.

Her phone got a notification by her manager, Mr Kim, informing her that he would pick her up at 11am. She sent an 'okay' while sipping her coffee.

"Oh, Somin?" A feminine voice called out to her. She looked up to see Jihyo. "Oh, unnie!" She stood up and bowed politely with a wide smile. Jihyo pat her back and replied with a small bow.

"What a coincidence. Do you usually go here?" Jihyo asked, taking a seat across from her. "Actually, no. I just felt like eating breakfast here," Somin replied.

"Did you order, unnie?" Somin questioned, glancing at her empty hands. "Yeah, I'm waiting for it right now," Jihyo answered.

"Jihyo-ssi!" A voice called out as Jihyo stood up to take her meal. She came back with a cup of cappuccino and the same breakfast meal Somin was having.

"Jalmeokkessumnida (I will eat well)," Both of them said in unison and took a bite from their meal. Somin nodded in satisfaction.

"So, are you going to hang out here until the shooting of Running Man?" Jihyo asked as she took a sip of cappuccino.

Somin shooked her head. "I'm probably going to walk around for awhile and then head back to my house," She answered. Jihyo nodded.

"So I have to ask you something I'm curious about," Jihyo suddenly confessed and Somin looked at her in surprise. What she knew about Jihyo was that she rarely is curious about anything so of course, she was taken aback.

Jihyo grinned at her reaction. "What is it?" Somin waited in anticipation. "It's not any of my business but is your friendship with Jongkook oppa going well?"

"Oh," Somin was more taken aback from her question. "Well, it's complicated, unnie. But I can say we just made up a few days ago so Jongkook oppa and I are cool with each other in the meantime," Somin admitted.

"As a friend of his for years, I've never seen him get so worked up before. Not in a bad way. He just seems competitive with you," Jihyo said. Somin laughed softly.

"I might have hurt his pride once or twice. Other than that, I respect him, truly," Somin stated. "That's good to hear. Believe it or not, I tried to get him fired up many times but failed. The man is a steel but somehow, you managed to break him," Jihyo continued with a cheeky smile.

"Don't worry, unnie. A heart full of fire should be cooled down with water, after all. I'm just glad I'm a part of the Running Man team," Somin smiled widely at Jihyo.

Both of them continued to talk about their acting career while eating, until Jihyo's manager came to pick her up. They parted ways and Somin went to walk around a nearby garden to freshen herself up. After a few minutes, she went back home and prepped herself up for the shooting later on.

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