The She-Bear and The Dragon

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Chapter 59 (The Regret of A Big  Brother), Chapter 60 (The Red  Temple), Chapter 61 (For The Throne),  Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed), Chapter  64 (The King of Dorne), Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), and Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?)  are  already available for Patrons.

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"Come in." He called out as the door opened; his wife sat near him; she seemed anxious, but Ned couldn't blame her as his nephew walked inside, followed by Prince Oberyn Martell and Ser Arthur Dayne. Ned could see the way Ser Arthur eyed them like a hawk; he seemed ready to use his sword, as he always was. Ned sometimes thanked the old gods he hadn't fought against them that day in front of the tower. Ned didn't know how that fight would have went, but he was confident that it wouldn't have ended well.

"Lord Stark, you wanted to speak with us," Oberyn said with a welcoming smile; Ned nodded as his wife shifted uncomfortably on her seat; he couldn't blame her; she had almost fainted when he told her that Jon Sand was Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Rightful Heir of the Throne.

' "Ned, what about our children? King Robert will have all their heads on spikes." Catelyn had almost shouted, her face red from stress as she walked around the room aimlessly.

"Catelyn, I promised my sister I would make my nephew king if he wanted to pursue the Iron Throne, and you know I never break my word." Ned reminded her. It had taken an hour for Ned to explain everything that happened in the Rebellion, and after telling her everything, Catelyn was almost losing her mind at this point.

Upon hearing his words, she stopped walking and sat down on a nearby chair, her hands gripping her knees, her face still red as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

"Ned, you always told me that you despise War. Am I supposed to wait for you again? What if you don't return this time, and this time Robb will have to fight too? What if he dies in the War? What if-" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes welling up with tears as she covered her mouth with her hand as tears spilled from her eyes. "I can't go through that again, Ned. I don't want to be alone again." Catelyn said as she let out a sob, remembering when she first received the news of Brandon's death.

Upon hearing that Brandon had gone to King's Landing and had been put in the black cells by the King, Lord Rickard had departed, promising that he would return with his son home. After he left, Catelyn prayed daily to the Seven for their safe return, but two weeks after Lord Stark's departure, Catelyn decided to pray to the Old Gods for the first time.

She knew Brandon followed the old gods, so she read a few books on how to pray and went to the Weirwood Tree of Riverrun to pray. The next day, the raven arrived, informing them of Brandon and Rickard Stark's deaths.

Catelyn had broken down crying, but she wasn't allowed to mourn; soon, her father told her that she would marry Eddard Stark, the younger brother of Brandon, so House Stark would have the army of House Tully. Catelyn had done her duty to her house and had married Ned without any protest, and why would she protest, it is not like her father would change his mind; she would marry, whether she liked it or not. It would happen.

Catelyn remembered the first time she looked at Ned. She had expected a younger version of Brandon, just as handsome, but while Ned wasn't bad-looking, he was nowhere near Brandon. But again, she had done her duty; she had laid with Ned, and they had consummated their marriage; the very next day, Ned had left to fight in the War alongside Robert Baratheon.

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