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The Dreamnoblade one I just post,idk what to feel bout that. It just what pop out in my mind k,random sh1t k.

Also I forget to mention something
Idk if I'm gonna do smut or angst cuz I'm not good with the normal one and now if I have to do smut or angst I need some times to think.
I don't have anyone to judge or give opinion on my book in real life cuz no way in 's'hell would I sent this to my friends. They not...uhh... how do I say this...umm...they kind of different??? I mean I'm not comfortable to sent this to my friends which is not much.
They are comfortable and also not comfortable with this tho they know what yarichin beach club is cuz they watch it(not all episode).
We sometimes sing the song. One of my friend that I usually hang out is Chinese and I don't talk bout my hardcore yaoi fan but I do talk some yaoi,I'm thankful she didn't judge me we always joking tho like saying I need some help whenever I simp over yaoi or saying my husband is behind me (my crush) i don't even know what the cause that make my friend say that to me (the husband part) it started of as 'A' then 'Army' then to 'Husband'
I think that's all? Idk,I will know after I started writing more

I also noticed that I make a lot of mistakes cuz I was typing so fast and my eyes is scanning everything fast. I also haven't sleep well k( every night),yesterday I stay awake till 3am,two days ago I stay awake till 5 am so I'm pretty much tired and also sick right now k.Its not covid k

~308 words~ (including this)

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