-Sam X Dream-

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Slight Mention self harm??
Panic Attack
Sleeping disorder?
Eating disorder?
No one talking

Sam was in his little space in the prison watching Dream through the security camera making sure he doesn't try to do anything that can harm himself. Why do you ask? Well,Sam and Dream are together since before the war even happened. Everyone doesn't know about this expect Puffy. He feel really angry and sad everytime Quackity come and visit Dream to torture him. One day,Sam accidentally saw that his boyfriend is harming himself that he is almost die so that is why he is making sure he doesn't do that again . Sam hear the clock rings meaning he have to go give his boyfriend food. Sam quickly grab some food from the chest(some nice food other than raw potatoes) and goes to Dream cell. When he got there he saw his boyfriend waiting patiently for him to come. Sam go closer to Dream and sit down in front of him. He feed Dream and making sure he is eating all if it cuz he noticed that Dream never really eat the food and he is skinny like really skinny. After that he put the plates away and grab Dream to sit on his lap. He pat/caress(?) his boyfriend head and started humming. No one is talking but it was comfortable and they understand each other without even talking. Dream never really got any sleep cuz he always have nightmare that make him have a panic attack that lead to hurting himself to stop the voices. So whenever that happened Sam will be there to calm Dream down by patting/caressing him and humming him a song till he fall asleep or whenever Dream feel like doing so. That is what exactly Sam is doing right now, putting Dream to sleep and cuddles with him.

I know it short cuz I don't know what to put ok, I don't even know if I give the right warning or it make sense. Well some stories doesn't make sense so... I write this cuz I'm bored,like I feel like I play all games and like there no more interested video to watch on YouTube. Also I forget what to say next...so.... yeah...bye.


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