Idea 2

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Dreamnoblade Angst & Fluff

Mentioned of self harm
Eating Disorder (?)

Dream and Technoblade had been together for 3 years and had been living together happily until Techno accidentally mess up out of frustration and tiredness. Techno once again is working on his potatoes farm non-stop,he is trying to win the challenge of who has the largest potatoes farm for the second time. Techno works day and night barely sleeping and eating. Dream being the good boyfriend tries to make Techno to rest a bit and eat something but Techno barely listen to him. Techno would sometimes shout at him to stop disturbing him and continue his potatoes farm. Dream of course feel very sad and scare everytime Techno shout but he still doesn't stop trying to ask Techno to rest a bit. Until one day Techno says something that make Dream feel very angry,hurt,sad and broken. Dream look at Techno in the eyes and say that he will not disturb him anymore and leave while trying to control his tears that are threatening to fall. If Techno look closely at Dream eyes he would have notice that there is clearly pain in his eyes and if he hear more clearly he would also noticed that Dream voice change to someone that is in pain but to bad that Techno doesn't noticed and clearly to focus on his potatoes farm and is in state of frustration. True to his words,Dream leave Techno alone and go somewhere far away from Techno house but not that far. he stay there and look himself there looking very dull on the outside but pain in the inside. Dream would sometimes cuts his wrist remembering what Techno say to him while crying silently. He would only eat a little till he become very skinny and body full of cuts. He become very quite and doesn't even smile anymore.
After a few months,Techno win the challenge and he celebrate it with so much happiness till someone (you decide who but I think it will be Phill tbh) ask where is Dream. Techno look confused for a sec and remember that he accidentally say something that is very sensitive to Dream. Techno panic and hurriedly go search for Dream in the house. Techno search but cannot find Dream so he grab his horse and search for Dream. After searching for hours and hours,he finally find Dream sitting on the grass staring at nothing. Techno noticed that Dream eyes look very dull,his body is skinny and full of cuts. Techno cry and hug Dream while saying sorry. Techno promise Dream that he will never ignore Dream and hurt him every again. Dream being a kind boyfriend decided to give him a second change. Techno pick Dream up and go home. A few months later, Dream is back to his usual self but more happy than ever cuz his boyfriend change for the best. Techno did keep his promises,he would shower Dream with kisses everyday, cuddle with him,give his every attention to Dream and would listen to Dream when being ask to do something or to cuddle and rest.

Ok, I know I didn't update for some time but here is it. A Dreamnoblade Angst + Fluff for you guys idea that I promise to make. By the time I publish this,I probably be writing the other idea which is Schlatt x Techno x Dream Angst and honestly I have no idea what to expect how it going to come out. I also did said I that I will do Dreambur so yeah,i guess i will make it.

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