Idea 3

188 8 14

Schlatt x Techno x Dream Angst

Idk,you add it
Schlatt,Techno and Dream was look as a villain to everyone but they don't know the truth.

Schlatt since kid had never been noticed by anyone and his parents are always busy and never had any time for him.He feel ignored and unimportant,his parents always say to not bother them and go do something that is wort seeing. Schlatt grow up without knowing the feeling of being love and loving people.Schlatt become acholic because he is lonely and scared that he is being forgotten, so he become a villian and cause choas to make everyone noticed him. He know what he did is wrong but he still did cuz he did indeed got noticed by everyone even tho it's hatred that he got. Part of him feel sad and bad to hurt Quackity and the others but the other part of him feel very happy and feel like wanting more of the attention hes getting. He is getting confused with his feeling and mentally unstable if he continues his way of gaining attention if no one help him

Techno,since he is a kid he always hear thousand of voices in his head asking for violence,blood and more. The other kid would bullied him cuz they thought Techno is weird that end up in the bullied getting injured badly or simply dead. Techno did tried to control the voices and his body but sometimes it did not work. One day Techno saw a kid coming closer to him,he thought that the kid is coming to bully him but he introduced himself while taking off his mask. Techno feel confuse but didn't show it saw and introduce himself after pondering for a second. Techno finally got a look at the boy face and feel a blush rising up his face. Even tho it's weird,Techno feel very happy that he is not afraid of him. They soon become friends but enemy in front of other people. They would help each other and hang out from time to time whenever they feel sad or in need of comfort

Dream,he always hide his face since he is a kid. He always thought he is ugly and a monster since that what his adoptive parents says to him. Dream has a beautiful skin with some freckles on his face and body. He has emerald green and vibrant ender purled eyes that look every enchanting every second you look at it more and feel like you getting lost in them. Dream has a pair horn,enderdragon wings and tail that he hide. Dream is the ender prince but got kidnapped by his adoptive parents but of course Dream didn't know of this but he had suspicious. Dream likes the nature and would sleep outside and not going back home cuz no one in his home is missing him anyway. One day,Dream saw a piglin boy and decided to be friend him. He introduced himself while taking his mask of cuz he had a feeling that he can trust the piglin boy. Dream thought that the piglin is very cool and cute so that why he decided to be friend him. They become friends and always be there for each other when in need. Dream love the boy but also hate the boy cuz he can be annoying sometimes but not like he is also not annoying sometimes for the boy. Dream meet some other boy name George and Sapnap. They become but it all ruined because of his fault. Dream thought that he is protecting his friends and just wanted to punish a little brat that broke the rules but got hated and got sent to the prison and torture

One day there three of them meet by coincident and decided to have a lil talk. They shared their thoughts and story. It amazing that they have something similar and not fighting. From that day onward,they would go hang and drink while sharing their story and stuff that had been happening in their life. Each day the grew closer and closer till it become unbearable for them to separate. The three of them know what each other are thinking and feeling so they finally confess and got together tho it didn't last long. Schlatt finally feel loved and cared and attention that he need but sadly died of a heart attack. Dream finally have his confidence of his face a little,love and cared but it all got ruined when he got sent to the prison after getting caught, torture then kill himself cuz he cannot take it anymore. Techno finally has someone that dear to him that is not afraid of him and happiness but it all over when both of his lover dies. Techno can't accept the truth that he lost the poeple he dear the most. He is lonely again,in pain,broken and dead inside. Techno shut himself in his house. He didn't eat for few days and cut himself. Until one day he can't take it anymore that he kill himself.

UNKNOWN: It sad that the three lover dies in agony,pain and pityfull story. Maybe in the next life they will lives a happy life together and live a peaceful life.*Close the book and do something then put the book on the table and leave*

UNKNOWN: Hope you will live a happy life this time Schlatt,Techno and Dream.......
Finally Im done with the Schlatt x Techno x Dream Angst. Gosh,I don't even know if it is great. I just put bunch of random things that my brain could come up with. I will do the Dreambur next so stay tuned. This is the longest one I write so far I think and I'm not poof read it so

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