Idea 2 & 3 coming soon

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I ask my friend to choose and she chose number 1 and 14 which 1. Techno x Dream, 14.Schlatt x Techno x Dream. She choose Angst+Fluff for Techno x Dream and Angst for Schlatt x Techno x Dream like what the image above. This is gonna be hard for me to do Schlatt x Techno x Dream and it's only an idea,it's not even a full story.
Idk why but whenever I think of angst Dream is always gotta be the victim that think of, like why can't the other be the victim. I have a headache right now and I probably should rest. Also I think don't know how to continue the Dnf one so yeah...I have no problems with writing angst tho.
Thx Aina,shout out to you for being a great friend and helping me choose what idea I'm gonna do and dealing with me. Tho you choose a difficult one for me and that is Schlatt x Techno x Dream but its fine. I always have an ending for angst but not fluff so probably gonna have a bit of a problem 😗✌️

I forget to add that it is coming soon but not to soon cuz Techno is having cancer right now and I kind of feel uncomfortable. Well thats that I will do another ship which is Dreambur probably. #TechnoSupport
Literally I don't know what else to add,my internet bad as hell and I have to wake early.Its now 3 in the morning almost 4. I need some good sleep or I'm literally gonna die,I haven't had enough sleep for like a week or more than that something...yeah. I sleep at 3,4 or 5 in the morning and wake up at 8,9,10,11 or 12 am

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