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Ok guys,I think I may not be writing anything for while cuz school is starting and I have many works to do so I'm sorry. Tho the school is gonna be in turn?(is that even right) it separate into 2 group, Group A & Group B. Group A will be in school while Group B will have an online class. After that it will change,Group B will go to school and Group A will have an online class. Im in Group B. I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say. Also I got my Exam mark and I pass. I got 5 B , 2 C , 1 D, my parents aren't strict I just need to pass,I don't need to get an A and as I expected I got D on math. Well...Im  surprised that I even got B in Geo and History cuz I'm not that good and also I expected that I gonna do bad I'm BM(Malay) because of the peom and Pantun cuz I don't even know what I'm doing,I'm clueless but I guess it's fine cuz I got C. And you know what,I didn't even study, I just study last minute. So it's amazing that I didn't even fail and to tell you the truth all of my exam time I always study last minute cuz I can remember it better but sometimes it's not working cuz I have pretty bad memories. Some of my memories got mixed up and some are forgotten. Idk if I ever talk about my exam before so sorry if I repeat anything that I said before,my memories are mixed up cuz I feel like I talk about this before but I don't know where and when. It is troublesome when I have bad memories, sometimes I would even forget how old I am,I have to ask my family or I have to count myself. I also don't remember my birthday so whenever my family say happy birthday to me in my mind I'm gonna be like "oh,wait. It's my birthday?" Well,I rant alot and talk alot to myself tbh and... it's getting off topic now so bye
I always get off topic so pls excuse me

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