Cuddling [Kageyama Tobio x Reader]

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Thank you for requesting! Another note that ;; OMFG GUYYYSSSS, READER-SANNN!!! I would like to thank you for 10K reads and 252 votes QAQ! This means so much to me as an author who haven't got a lot free time in the last few months or monthss.


You were sitting on your boyfriend aka Kageyama Tobio's bed. Blankets around you, and in his smallest. . . well more like an over-sized shirt to you, sniffing your nose, and wiping with a tissue. There was a damped towel on your head to keep your fever down, your head felt heavy and you feel weak

How did the al-mighty [Last name] [Name] of the Karasuno girls Volleyball club ended up like this? Well. . . it all happened . . .

~ flashback ~

You were walking home with the troublesome setter and spiker, Hinata and Kageyama. They once again were fighting and arguing that they didn't do the quick properly and their plays weren't in sync today, during a mini match in the team. You didn't know why they're just fighting over a play not in sync, since at least they won by a few gap points.

Hearing their fights and arguments, you wanted to punch the hell out of them, and make them shut up. But apparently, you kept your cool thinking of your things you liked that made you happy as a sunflower. The moment of peace came at last, but not until they started arguing even louder and got into a physical fight.

Which. . . include a push and a shove. . .

       Push .

       Shove . .

       Push .

       Shove . .

       Push .

The last shove, which you could tell was from Kageyama due to the amount of power he put into the action. Hinata step a side dodging the shove from a certain scary (yet dorky and lovable) setter, which left you being the lucky- I mean unlucky victim of the attack. The [Hair color] haired girl felt two hands on her sides, and at the last minute you felt that yor feet were lift off the ground, half of your body were over the tail of the bridge struggling your balance not to fall over into the river.
At last, your balance didn't last long. Your body tilt to the side where the river was and gravity pulling you down towards it.

A loud splash could be heard from where the 2 devil duo were standing.

Kageyama and Hinata both started starring at each other with their face pale and their blood ran cold. They know that never get you mad or else they won't see the tomorrow. "Oh shit, [Name]'s gonna kill us" Kageyama gulped, "Its all your fault dumbass Hinata!"

"Shut up Kageyama, you pushed her" Hinata argued back.

They start arguing again on who's fault was it. While you just swam to the nearest dry land. Pushing yourself up to the dry surface, you began to shiver due to your drench clothing, hair and shoes. "KAGEYAMA TOBIO!!!" You shoted.

"Haha, Kageyama's getting yell at by a girl" Hinata laughed at the raven haired boy, whose soul were barely in his body. Probably drifting off to peace. . .

Hearing a certain short middle blocker laugh at the setter after you just said the ravenette's name, "HINATA SHOUYO!!!!!" you yell, followed by a serires of cursing.

Both of the devil duo's blood ran cold, their face pale as a ghost. Souls were leaving their body, but until they realized what was going to happen and accept their unfateful fate. Walking towards where you were, they started off slowly until you yelled at them. "[N-N-Name]-chan, are you alright?" The poor orange haired stuttered asking you, afraid he might be the first victim instead of a certain setter.

Dorky Love [Haikyuu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now