Making Her Smile [Nishinoya Yuu x Reader]

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Requested by @HikariTadashi123


It has been two days since [Last name] [Name] last came to school or communicate with anyone, not even her best friend Nishinoya Yuu. [Name]'s mum have just past away last week, she was her world and everything, [Name]'s mum were the only person left in her life who cared and loved her.

Hugging her knees closer as she cry silently about the lose of her mum. [Name]'s room was dark as night, slight sunlight shone through her [Favorite color] pattern, knowing it was afternoon. Still crying, [Name] didn't seem to hear someone walking up your stairs towards where her room is.


The door slam open showing a short figure of a certain neighbour and classmate. "[NAMEEE]!!" Nishinoya shouted, stratling her with his loud and energetic voice, "Let's go outside!"
Nishinoya walked over towards [Name]'s bed and pulled the curtains apart letting sunlight shine into her room, "It's a great day today!" He said turning towards her, showing his smile.
Pulling the pillow over her face, [Name] muttered a quiet no and told him to go away. Being the stubborn person Nishinoya is, he tried taking the pillow from her, having a mini tug or war. Nishinoya, being the stronger one, manage to pull the pillow away from [Name]'s face.

"LET'S GO TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK [NAME]!" He said throwing away the pillow and grabbing her arms, trying to pull up.
"No, Noya-kun" [Name] tried denying.
"But you have to [Nickname]-chan" Nishinoya said, using a nickname which she disliked eversince she had met the short libero.
Still declining, [Name] tried to pull away from Noya's grip on her arms, [Name] didn't feel like going anywhere or even leave her fortress aka her bedroom.
"Why don't we make a deal?" Nishinoya inquired, "If I can make you smile while we're at the amusement park, you owe me soda popsicles for the rest of the month"

"What do I get in return?" [Name] asked.

"If you don't I won't bother you at all" He replied with a confident smile.

"Deal" she muttered quietly.

< ...>

After [Name]  got dress, wash her face and had something to eat. Nishinoya was quick to drag her out of her house before she could even blurt out anything to him. 'I guess he's probably excited' she thought. Running across the road with her hands held by her neighbour, they ran towards the bus stop (or station), which the bus was about to leave. Nishinoya began to speed up towards the bus, quickly catching up to it and jump on it with his hand held [Name]'s tightly.

"That was close" he said exhaling a big breath and sitting down on a seat, still holding the girl's hand. Before realizing he was still holding onto her hand, he was rumbling on about how the amusement park looked like and what rides could the both of them try and such, until feeling a little squeeze to Nishinoya's hand.
Looking down to his hand, he realized that he was holding onto [Name]'s hand. Quickly letting her hand go, Nishinoya looked away towards the window with a light pink dust on his cheeks.
Returning to his normal self, Nishinoya continued to blabber about the amusement park, as the girl mind her own business, looking else where while wondering about possible things.

The bus ride felt like a long term ride, but in reality it was only about 15 minutes. 'Maybe I was deep in thought' [Name] thought as she came across a ferris wheel and flying balloons in the direction of the amusement park. Immeadiatly she knew that was it, ferris wheel, flying balloons, where else could you see these stuff, unless its an amusement park. . . or some type of festival. Nishinoya's face lit up like a kid that just got the best birthday presents ever. Turning around to look at [Name], who startled a bit at his expresion but tried to kept her cool.
Once again grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the amusement park entrance at full speed of light. "Noya-kun, don't forget to buy the tickets or else we won't be able to enter the amusement park!" [Name] said in a factly tone.

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