How I met your mother [Haiba Lev x Reader]

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I had this idea while I was watching Haikyuu OVA, how Lev spikes xD Kenma the discalimer please? Dedicated to AbbieVanityCakes (again), cause she likes Lev o3o/

Kenma: *playing game*

*phone message alert*

Eri: *reads* Eri-san does not own Haiba Lev, nor the reader, or Haikyuu, please enjoy minna-san. Kenma.... are you serious..... 


You and your daughter, [Daughter's Name], was going to a Nekoma Boy's Volleyball Team's reunion party. Your husband, Haiba Lev was suppose to come with you, but he had work to do and will meet you and [Daughter's Name] there, at the party.

Once you and your daughter arrived at the party, [Daughter's Name] ran off and tackled Kuroo, the former Nekoma's captain. "GRANDPA KUROO!!!" [Daughter's Name] yelled, "and Uncle Kenma!"

"Grandpa? [Name], why did she called me grandpa?" Kuroo asked irritated, since your daughter calls everyone else 'uncle' or onii-san'

"I don't know" You said innocently, betending to whistle.

"[Daughter Name]-chan, didn't I told you to call me Onii-san, like you did to Yaku and Inuoka" Kuroo said, picking the little [Hair color] haired girl off him.

The little [Hair color] haired girl wiggled out of the former captain's grip and ran to the other former Nekoma Volleyball players, smiling and clinging onto them. "[Name], where's that idiot Lev gone?" Kuroo asked getting up, "I thought he's coming with you and your daughter."

"He has work and he'll probably come soon!" [Name] replied, "But I think he's likely to get lost"

- insert [random song] ring tone -

You took your phone out to see the caller ID, it turns out to be your husband, Lev. "Give me one second" You said, picking up your phone, "Hello?"

"[NAME]-CHAN!!! HELP!!!" Lev yelled from the other line of the call, "I'm-"

You cutted him off what he was going to say and said, "You're lost.... I told you to come with us once your done work, so you wouldn't get lost"

"But, I don't want you and [Daughter's Name] to wait too long for me" Lev replied.

"Where are you, I'll go get you!" You said, while he just told you where he is.

- insert end call sound  BEEP -

"Kuroo, mind looking after [Daughter's Name] while I get Lev" You asked, putting your phone away.

"That idiot's lost, right?" Kuroo asked.

You just nodded and took off, leaving your daughter with the former Nekoma Volleyball team. 

~ With [Daughter's Name] ~

Your daughter was busy playing with the former Nekoma Volleyball team. Then she started asking questions, like 'Why does Grandpa Kuroo have a weird hairstyle?' and 'Why is Yaku-nii-san short, like a high school kid?' Those questions secretly irritated Yaku and Kuroo... but they didn't show it to the little [Hair color] hair girl, due to her curiousness

But one question stood out the most to the former Nekomas, 'How did mama and papa met?'

Most of them started thinking deeply, while Kenma played his games on his console. "[Daughter's Name]-chan, so your mama and papa met...." Kuroo said, starting the story

~ Flashback ~

It was a sunny day, you were walking around the Nekomas many gym to find [Best Friend's name], since she was practicing basketball. 

You heard some ball being smack and hitting to the ground, due to your curiousness ( Now you understand where your daughter got the curiousness from xD ), you when to have a look.

It was a the boy's volleyball gym, where they practice spiking, serving and receiving. You heard that there was a new member, 'I think his name was Hai something....' you thought. The curious [Hair color] hair girl decided to walk in and watch their practice.

Being fascinated how skillful the team were... accept, the boy with grey/silver-ish hair and green cat like eyes. He was having trouble concentrating and spiking the ball. The setter was irritated by him, even the others were too.

- a while later, insert Lev and Kenma's saving the cat -

You've been watching the practice till it was nearly the end ( like Kuroko xD ), until, the boy, which his name is Haiba Lev, spiked the ball that the setter toss to him. You were amaze at how good and perfect it is, not noticing the ball when flying straight to you....


The ball hit you in the face ( I have experience getting hit in the face, it was not in volleyball, it was in soccer, while I was goalkeeper and the striker kicked right at my face by accident, it hurts like shit ), with it bouncing on the ground afterwards.

Before you fainted, you heard them calling you, like "Hey, you're alright?" and such, then you fainted from the impact.

You woked up, finding yourself in an infirmary room, with someone sitting on a chair next to the bed. It was him! Haiba Lev.

You started sitting up, still feeling the pain stinging.

The little noise you made when you sat up, made Lev woked up. His eyes shot open and started apologizing, "Hey, are you alright?" Lev asked, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were there!"

He kept on apologizing, until you told him to stop and you're ok....

That's how you, [Last Name] [Name] and Haiba Lev met for the first time, and actually talked!

Extended Ending

"Ehh?!" [Daughter's Name] pouted, "I thought papa and mama met in like a better scenario than papa spiking the ball in mama's face"

"Heheh" the whole Nekoma's team sweatdropped....


Sorry if Lev is OOC! I still need to watch the OVA properly and all sort of my shizzles of how I learn to get to know anime characters xD

Thank you for reading, minna-cchi, feel free to request ;DD

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