My Love [Oikawa Tooru x Tsundere Reader]

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Requested by -- xPandaSword
Thank you for the comment, btw and its not nessesary to call me Ms Oikawa, Mrs Tsukishima o3o Okay, Shouyo, meh friend, do the disclaimer for me!

Hinata: Why do I have to do a disclaimer for the Grand King?

Eri: Just get on with it, dumbass!

Hinata: Eri-chan does not Haikyuu nor the Grand King, neither does she owns you, Readers!


Ever since you started your first year at Aobajosai, a certain brown headed volleyball captain had his eyes on you. Yes you, [Last Name] [Name], the [Hair color] tsundere of the school, after the two of you have bumped into each other on your way to class. After that, you seriously don't know why he gave you the attention, he could of gave the attention to his fan girls.

When you arrive at school, you when to your locker to get the indoor shoes, but when you open the locker, there was a letter. You took the letter out and open it

Dear [Name]-chan

I wanna be your man
Your lover and your friend
I'm gonna love you true
I wanna be the one you come home to

From, your secret admirer ヽ(。ゝω・)ノ☆~

The [Hair color] girl stared at the letter blankly, but was snapped back to reality by her friend, [Friend's Name].

"[Nickname]-chan, morning~!" She greeted you.

"Morning, [Friend's Name]" You greeted back, still staring at the letter.

"Oooo~ What's this?" She asked you and snatch the letter out of your hand and read it, "OMG!! [Nickname]-chan, you got a secret admirer~"

"Sh-shut up, baka" You replied back with a slight blush and took the letter back from her hand, "Don't interfere with my stuff"

[Friend's Name] quickly chuckled and said "Such a tsundere, that's why you'll never get a boyfriend"

You just clicked your tongue.

While you and your friend were talking, a certain brown headed admirer stood behind a locker, stalk- I mean watch you and your friend.

"I wish she could notice my love" He mumbled to himself quietly, and walked off to his class.

-- Time-skip to lunch time --

You have been receiving secret admirer letter from the same admirer everyday, every week!

How did you know it was the same admirer? Easy! "ヽ(。ゝω・)ノ☆~" The face he puts at the end of the letter, is always a winking emoticon!

You seriously wanted to know who the hell sent you all those love messages, it annoys you so much that you couldn't concentrate on anything (but in the inside you were happy someone likes you).

"[Nickname]-chan, why are you blushing?" [Friend's Name] asked, interrupting your thoughts, poking her head in front of you and your desk.

"No I'm not blushing!" You replied back, blushing even harder this time.

"Yes you are~" She said teasingly, "Are you thinking about that love letter that your admirer sent to you everyday and every week~?"

"NO!" You yelled at her, while she just kept saying yes.

You started getting up with your lunch and walked off to find a spot for lunch. [Friend's Name] followed you too, while she keeps blabbering who our secret admirer could be, until you found a nice and quiet spot under the tree near the boy's volleyball's gym.

The [Friend's hair color] friend couldn't stop talking, so you decided and grab her bread and stuff it in her mouth to shut her up. The 2 of you sat there eating lunch quietly, until a loud scolding and a pleading voice could be heard.

"Iwa-chan! I'm sorry, I won't be late for morning practice anymore" The tall brown headed pleaded to his spiky hair friend.

"Your apology is not accepted!" The spiky hair yelled, "You've been late for morning practice ever since you started dreaming about a girl!"

"Iwa-chan, you meanie" He said with a childish pout, until his eyes landed on you.

Your dazzling [Hair length] [Hair color] hair shine in the sun, and your [Eye color] orbs were shining brightly.

Iwaizumi continue to scold Oikawa, but he wasn't listening he was looking at you, his brown eyes locked on you, and mumbled "[Name]-chan's like an angel"

-- Another time-skip ( cause this is going to take like 5 chapters if I don't stop my hand xD ) --

It was the last day of semester one ( I research about Japanese high school, and this is what it came up, so I'm not sure if its true >.> ), you arrived at school, and when straight to your locker to get your indoor shoes.

Once again. The letter is in there, but this time its different.
Your secret admirer had said...

Dear [Name]-chan,

The time has come, I'll be telling my identity to you, at lunch time on the rooftop~

From your secret admirer (。ゝω)ノ☆~

You sigh, finally, this thing could stop! You started walking to your class, thinking about the letter, the one that you just receive. Walking into your classroom, you spotted your friend, "Morning [Friend's Name]" you greeted her, while she greet back.

"Can you help me with something?" you asked her.

'Is it about your secret admirer?" she asked, smirking.

You just nod and gave her the letter to read. "OMG!!!! HE ASK TO MEET YOU!" She yelled standing up from her seat, "Are you going to meet him?"

"Of course!" You said, while blushing a little, "Its not like I'm going to be his girlfriend or anything, I'm just going to meet him and tell him to stop sending letters to me... baka!"

"Oho ho ho~! You're blushing [Nickname-chan]~" [Friend's Name] teased you.

Then the teacher walked in. You walk to your seat, which was behind [Friend's Name], and the teacher started the class. The boring math class in the morning...

By the time lunch hit, you grabbed your lunch and excuse yourself from [Friend's Name]. You when straight to the rooftop to see who send you those love letters and beat the hell out of him ( ok, I am serious, people tease me, and shipping me with my crush so, I beat the hell out of them xD ).

You open the rooftop's door, and the person standing on the rooftop was.... "OIKAWA TOORU!?" you said out loud.

"I've been waiting for you, [Name]-chan" Oikawa said smiling, like those smiles he did to the fangirl, "Let me say it to you, face to face!"

"[Last Name] [Name]-chan, I love you, will you go out with me!?" He said, blushing.

Yes he said it to you, face to face, alone. ALONE ON THE ROOFTOP!

You're face started heating up, as red as a tomato. "B-B-But we don't know much about each other, how about I'll go out with you, just as a friendly date, nothing like a girlfriend and boyfriend... baka" You said turning around, with him seeing your back.

"Okay [Name]-chan~!" Oikawa said and smile, while you took a peek, having a small smile on your face.

The End~


That was serious long, how was it? Ok! Let me say this, I serious don't know how people confess their love one another, apparently my first ever confession to a boy was my last year in Elementary school and it was in the middle of a soccer match!! And I have never receive a love letter from a secret admirer. I have experience as a tsundere, since I deny everything about rumors that my crush likes me and me and him are going out ( which is not true!!! )

Hinata: Thank you for reading this Grand King x reader! We hope you enjoy it!

Oikawa: And we might even have a second part / sequel!


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