Kiana Kaslana

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A/N: Ladies and gentlemen...may I present you, our precious Tuna.

When Kiana first boarded the hyperion for her first mission, Himeko introduced her to you. You had a short talk with her and it was hard to strike a good conversation with her because all she did was talk about how much she loves Mei.

Kiana thought that you were worthy of being a captain as you were capable of giving out commands and come up with strategies and you were never strict with her. You thought that Kiana was sometimes adorable but her obsession with Mei was concerning but you would pass it off with a laugh. Kiana was reckless and would do anything to complete her mission or save her friends, but that is what worried you most about her. She would always be the one to brighten up everyone's mood and cause chaos in the dorm with Mei's food.

You had a day off and you were going out to get something to eat nearby. You noticed that Kiana was secretly glaring at you but heard a growl come from her stomach. She turned red and you laughed and invited her to come along with you which made her feel much happier. You both went to a cafe and ordered your food but one thing for sure, your money was in danger due to the amount of food Kiana had ordered but the only thing you could do was smile because as long as she was happy, you wouldn't mind anything.

You had spent so much time with Kiana that you were starting to feel less lonelier. She was like the sun who brightened your day with just a smile and whenever you would see her become sad or cry, to you, it would feel heart wrenching. You would never dare to erase her from your mind...because the only one you would think about is her. Kiana thought that she loved Mei, but your image would interrupt that thought. She would try to deny but at the same time, try to think about it and confirm that feeling. To her, you were a ray of light in her darkness. When she felt alone and afraid of herself, you were always by her side and never blamed her for anything. You were her comfort at all times, you were...her beloved hero.

You could not hold it back anymore and so you ran to where Kiana would be. It was raining in the dark night of the Arc City. You knew it was late to say the words but it was better than to regret them later on in case something bad happened. You heard Kiana's voice who called out to you and you turned around to see her drenched in rainwater but you could also notice the tears in her eyes which were blue and yellow. She looked changed but that's what you would expect after what happened. You went forward and gave her a hug telling her that from then onwards, you would never leave her side again. She cried on your shoulders and let out all the pain she had suppressed inside her heart. When you separated, she closed the distance and kissed you by which you were surprised. You were able to return it but shortly after, you both separated and could only smile. She beat you to it and confessed first, you felt your heart warm up at her sweet words. You took your time to put your words together and confess back. You were not so smooth and started to stutter which only got a laugh out of her but to you, it was worth it because you got to make her smile...the one that you've always loved to see everyday.

Before you sleep, Kiana would enter your room a bit shyly with a pillow in her hands and tell you to move aside. You do what she says and she lies on your bed while hugging the pillow and stares at you with a small glare and a blush which you would find cute. What surprises you is when she throws the pillow on you and then gives you a hug like you're her personal teddy bear. You would be flustered on her act but get comfortable and hug her back, both of you snuggle with eachother and sleep peacefully without any nightmares to interrupt.

Kiana tried to make breakfast for you but unfortunately her luck as a Kaslana did not make it happen and she ended up burning it. She sulked about it but you told her it was alright. You then had an idea and decided to let Kiana help you make the breakfast. She liked the idea and lent you the things you needed without messing it up this time. Your teamwork had made you the most perfect breakfast which you both enjoyed eating together.

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