Bianka "Durandal" Ataegina

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A/N: This valkyrie was requested by Amossssssss

You were passing by the training area until you noticed someone there. You peeked inside to see the S ranked valkyrie and Captain of the Immortal Blades, Durandal. You kept staring at her in amazement as to how her combat and speed was, it was in a whole other level. She noticed you standing and looking at her and she greeted you as she had recognized you as the captain of the hyperion whom she had heard about. That was the first time you both had met and befriended eachother.

Durandal was always hardworking and unbelievably strong, no wonder she was the strongest S ranked valkyrie. She would sometimes lecture Theresa which was funny to you and she would spar with the other students, making them go through a hellish training but that is what makes her a great valkyrie who fights to honor her duty. She thought that even if you werent strong, you never gave up on your responsibilities and always fulfilled your duties without fail which makes you an honorable and respectable captain to her. She was amazed at how you pulled through so many missions which shows that you were worth choosing as a captain.

You wanted to get some fresh air so you dressed up into your casual clothes and went out for a walk. While you were on your way, you saw Durandal taking a jog. She noticed you looking at her and she waved which you returned with a smile. She came to you and wiped her sweat off with her white towel around her neck and asked you what you were doing outside. You told her you only came to get some fresh air. You thought of an idea and asked her if she wants to go get some lunch and to your surprise, she said yes. You both went to a nearby cafe and ordered your food. Durandal had ordered a simple salad but you remembered that she had a strict diet so you didnt say anything. You both ate and had a long conversation for the first time which you ended up enjoying. Talking to her had made all your troubles go away in an instant.

You were just a Captain of the Hyperion, while she was the Captain of the Immortal Blades. This was the only similarity you had with her, consider yourself to be a weak human compared to her who was able to knock honkai beasts out with just her fist. You didnt think that you deserved her, but she would still talk to you despite the differences. Then you came to realize, that she too worked hard to become what she was now. You both had hardships in life, you both wanted to rid of the honkai and protect those who are dear to you. You both had responsibilities, you could not leave your positions. In your eyes, she was no herrscher, she didnt need to be one...she was already a goddess...and you had fallen for her. Durandal was a very busy valkyrie, she had duties to fulfill as the Captain of the Immortal Blades, she had to lead her valkyries to victory against the honkai and follow the orders of Overseer Otto and yet...she felt pain just by imagining being apart from you. She didnt want any distance between you both, she wished to see you any day she could...if possible, everyday. Just another chance, to be able to spend time with you and share laughter. This feeling she had thought that would get in the way of her mission, she could not get rid of it. She wanted to admit it openly, from the bottom of her heart...that she had fallen in love with you.

Durandal had got a mission to go to Vimur Labs in North Africa to investigate the situation there by the orders of the Overseer but later, the orders changed to capturing Kiana from Arc City. You followed her and made sure to stay hidden. All there was were sands and ruins but no signs of honkai until the 2nd divine key was unleashed on the sky and honkai beasts came out of it. You saw Durandal and Kiana standing in front of eachother by which the first thought came into your mind that they had a fight before you arrived. You didnt want to say it but...Kiana was far from defeating Durandal. The title of the "strongest valkyrie of Schicksal" isnt for show. She is leagues above Kiana and other valkyries, she doesnt even bother using the divine key she has and can still beat her opponents *cough*not Kevin*cough*. You saw Kiana using the powers of the void to stop the honkai beasts and destroyed the portal. Durandal then took her back to the labs when Kiana was almost out of energy and she made a fuss about it saying something like "I thought you were gonna let me go if I beat you! Liar!"...typical Salty Tu-Kiana. You waited for a while trying to think of a way to get in the labs until you heard an explosion, the World Serpent had infiltrated the labs. You were worried for the two girls but you were relieved when you caught Kiana sneaking outside the labs. Durandal had went outside as well and encountered the Sire of the World Serpent, Kevin Kaslana. Both of them had a battle which was cut shortly by Otto. While they were busy, you saw Durandal walking away and you didnt want to see her go...not again. You ran to her and called her name to which she looked in surprise. She came towards you and asked you why you were here but you took your time putting your words together which accidentally came out as a confession. Durandal was slightly blushing and had a smile smile on her face. On the other hand, you just wanted to crawl in a hole and die for this embarrassing moment. Durandal laughed when she looked at your face and you smiled in relief that she was alright. You got the courage to confess to her and kiss her. It was a quick one and you got to do it first which made you feel proud of yourself. Durandal could only touch her lips slowly and try to process what you just did. When she regains her senses, she pulls you towards her and kisses you back which you gladly return. You both enjoy this moment and would remember it for the rest of your lives. In the time of danger, even love can turn things over and make things better. That's why it's best to hold onto that feeling so you could cherish it and feel accepted...and never regret having been born into this world.

Durandal would cuddle with you and almost crush you with her hugs but you wouldnt mind the pain. The way she slept, you couldn't even find a way to leave the bed. It was funny as to how she slept, she didnt look like the very famous strongest valkyrie of Schicksal at all.

Durandal...was like a Kiana 2.0 and you wondered...has she ever tried to cook?! Oh you know, Rita did spoil her after all. She was a maid and she did all the cooking for her. Since Rita was off on a mission, you decided to cook for Durandal but this time, you called out to her and told her to help you with the dinner. Of course, you noticed that she sweatdropped and looked around trying to find some excuse. You laughed and dragged her by the hand to the kitchen. You gave her the instructions and told her it would be easy if she treated this as a mission. She then became determined and did as you told her and you had to admit...she did really good. You both enjoyed your time together to make dinner and Durandal was grateful to you, so you promised you'd teach her how to cook in the future days.

Pfft! Durandal doesnt study! have to as you're a student at St Freya. You always see her reading novels when she has free time so you join her and listen to her read it to you which makes you go to sleep...on her la-ahem...her shoulder.

She orders the valkyries of the Immortal Blades to keep watch over you and whenever she has time, she would too. She would ask Rita to take care of you when she's on a mission and would ask about you if you're doing alright. No enemy would even dare to harm you anyways, knowing that you're Durandal's lover...she would SMACC and ATACC but most of all...she would PROTECC.

UltimateTuna: *holds a sign saying "HELP ME"*

Durandal would come over and scold you first for being reckless. She would tell you to worry about yourself first. She would patch up your injuries though it would hurt but after bandaging them, she would give  light kiss at each injury which made you feel better. 

She would leave the mission to the Immortal Blades and Rita and would come over to look after you. The mission was not as important as you, so she doesnt care if Otto says anything...she just wants you to be like you are everyday.

"*sigh* you interrupted my meditation...just for this? Well then, I shall consider this as a part of my training if you dont mind. Do relax yourself while you can."

Durandal's birthday is on 1st January which is also the same day for new years. You thought of an idea and left the cake to Rita while you prepared a surprise. Nighttime came and you saw Durandal sitting alone sipping tea. You sat in front of her which made her surprised but she smiled until Rita came and put the slice of cake on the table. Durandal kept staring at it until looking at you and Rita. She was confused until she heard the sound of fireworks outside. You and Rita wished her a happy birthday and a happy new year. She softly smiled and took a bite of her cake while enjoying the very creative fireworks prepared by you. The day of your birthday was a very important day. Durandal wanted to return the favor and prepared a party for you in the hyperion and invited all your friends from St Freya. When you entered, they surprised you and you saw Durandal coming towards you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, wishing a happy birthday. She gifted you a new uniform along with a cap, it was similar to her uniform and you loved the idea since you wanted to get a new uniform. You gave her a hug and thanked her for giving you the best surprise ever.

UltimateTuna: sure takes me a while to get these done with. Been playing a lot of honkai impact and preparing myself for Mobius and Raven...please pray for my luck and goodluck to you guys too.


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