Coming Soon

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I just realized something...I'd actually wanna clear up on whom I'd be making a scenario on and this one will probably be order-wise and some I'm just thinking of doing and here I'll confirm which ones are a maybe or a no, so...have a look!

Yes- ✅
Maybe- ⭕
No- ❌

-Theresa ✅
-Fu Hua ✅
-Seele ✅
-Veliona ✅ (Or Seele and Veli in one?)
-Rita ✅
-Kallen ✅
-Sakura ✅
-Raven ✅
-Sirin ✅
-Senti ✅
-Cecilia ⭕
-Cocolia ⭕
-Rozaliya and Liliya (or separately?) ⭕
-Einstein ✅
-Tesla ✅
-Sora*bonk* ow! Im sorry! Cancelled! ❌
-Sin think? Lmao. Cancelled! ❌
-Elysia ✅
-Mobius ✅
-Eden ✅
-Shushang ✅
-Zhaoyu ⭕
-Kira ⭕
-Benares ✅
-Jackal ⭕

After 5.6 comes out and we know more about the following flamechasers, then I'll be able to confirm whether I'll write them or not so all are ⭕ that I've mentioned below.

-Vill V

I would dare not but...

-HOTE? ⭕✅❌

Let me know about the maybe's so I can confirm if I should write them or not. Wanna know what you guys think since I dont really care if it's a yes or no.

I'll go and continue updating Teri's.

Sayonara my besto friendos!

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