Himeko Murata

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A/N: You guys...I can probably imagine you tearing up already just by looking at the picture above. *sniff* anyways...you all continue :')

You were just the Captain of the battleship Hyperion, nothing more. Your job was to command the valkyries but...there was someone who caught your eye. She was Major Himeko Murata, a flaming hot cheeto-ahem...valkyrie. At first you were nervous when you approached her but she was easy to get along with if you exclude her drunken antics then you can easily have a conversation with her. Your first day at Hyperion was a mess but she helped you gain strength and gave you advice which made you more confident in your skills. Hoping to spend more time with her, you continued to do your duties and work hard.

Your first impression of her was a "drunk naked lady who's single" but there was more to her than you thought. She would openly reveal her thoughts and feelings, it would make you feel more comfortable around her that sometimes she doesnt seem like a teacher or a valkyrie...but a normal woman who's fighting for what's beautiful in this world. Himeko saw you and thought you were cute but she knew she would never have a chance to get a date (or that's what she thinks). She'd find your reaction hilarious when she ends up being on your bed, she can picture you as a tomato. Even if you would fool around, you take your responsibilities seriously and do your job on time. Somehow...she feels things will change for the better as long as you're there.

Today was your off day and you were free. You were thinking of taking care of the leftover paperwork but you do that everyday so why not leave it for once? You went around and saw Himeko chugging some beer which you sighed on. She only just had her first glass so she wasnt drunk yet (thankfully) so you asked her if she wants to join you for dinner and she gladly said yes but when she teased you about it being a date you couldnt help but get flustered and deny it. She wore a dress to which you couldnt stop staring at because she looked like a beauty from out of this world and you were grateful to be going out with this woman. She put her arm around yours and you both went out for a dinner (date).

One thing you were surprised about...and that was the amount of time you had spent with a person which was none other than Himeko. What was so different about her? Why was she that special? What is there that you like about her? These questions flooded in your mind and there was no way to ignore them, you just didnt want to. You thought there was no chance of it being like that, the denial would eventually turn into an agreement, the wrong would turn into right, the false would be turned true...you were no doubt...in love with her.
Himeko would keep turning the glass of beer in her hand in circles and be lost deep in thoughts but about what exactly? That was you. She would want to move on and think of you as nothing more than comrades or friends, but there was no date before this one that had went any longer...not as much as now, this was an exception. She was about to give up that she can fall for anyone, that she could spend her life with someone...her time was short. If she did fall for you, would she regret it? Would she overlook the fact that you'd be heartbroken when you find out the truth? But she couldnt run away from her feelings, it wasnt possible this time. She had fallen for you, the captain of the hyperion.

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