Rita Rossweisse

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A/N: Funny if y'all thought my ass was ded but turns out I'm still alive :D
I have nothin to say other than...life.
University life is hell when it comes to being buried in projects but I still have time to play games cuz why the heck not.
Anyways, I'm back and so continue reminding me who else I gotta do.

You were appointed as the captain and Rita came over to St Freya for surveillance. She crossed paths with you and once she knew you were the new captain of the hyperion, the teasing or more like flirting would never stop. Even though you got danger vibes from her, you couldnt help but become more attracted towards her.
She too, was entertained by your presence and hardly found it boring. From then onwards, she would start making often visits to the Academy much to Theresa's annoyance.

Your thoughts never changed, or did they? Yes she was attractive to you and still is, but to you she is the definition of perfection (erik lehnsherr would like to have a word with u). She could cook, clean, serve tea, fight, ASSassinate, she is eleganto and that for you is one thing you hardly find in anyone other than...her.
She loved to tease you to the point you were sent to the infirmary countless times. As time passed by, she eventually saw a side of you that made her gaze only towards follow you...and that was the time you were the "captain of the hyperion". The responsibility you shouldered yet not a single complain nor tardiness and your timely work...if she were not working beside Otto, then you definitely be her next choice.

Hangout? More like hang-in actually. You were buried with paperwork and she arrived on time to see you working on them so she decided to help you out and serve some tea (bri-ish) in the meanwhile.
You two were alone in the office...yes ;)

You and Rita had thoughts about one another in the midst of anything, it always interfered. Rita was perfect, she was helpful, and most importantly...she was there for you when you needed someone and that struck your heart. This was a first that your heart was beating fast when she wasnt even physically present to tease you as usual.
For Rita, you were unique...special (you are my specialz) and her ideal man. Like other guys, you didnt lust over her but treated her like a normal person and a friend just like how Durandal would. She admitted in her heart, that visiting St Freya for "surveillance" was just an excuse to see you. This was a new feeling to her, but she did not mind. Perhaps in the future, she would see you everyday...and that is what she wished (duh just get married, easy).

Who do you think had the BAWLS to confess first?
Rita had invited you for a walk in the middle of the night (pretty sus if u ask me). You being you, had accepted and followed her (like the dog u are! Shame on you...) and after taking a deep breath, your hand made it's way towards hers and held it
(*le gasp* LEWD). She smirked a bit, applauding you internally for the first move HOWEVER she was an S rank valkyrie of the Immortal Blades, did you really think you'd win? Nah...not this time. Rita with her strength had pulled you toward her and captured your lips. The moment felt long despite it actually being short, it only lasted for a while until she pulled back.
"Kanchou sama...I think it's about time we take this relationship to the next level, dont you think?"
You were speechless the whole time, but you knew you were about to (get dominated?)...yes at one point absolutely but not right now. You knew you were about to get a girl who you thought you would get in your dreams but it became a reality (which can be disappointing sometimes...).

Well...just know you were never in control and had eyebags the next morning. What happened? Leave that to your imagination (WAIT AT LEAST TELL ME!!) No u shut up and go back to your room u single mf.

You were just there to assist, she did most of the work as her cooking was like serving the heir of a royal family.

Rita would try to help you here and there, while also dealing with your paperwork so you wouldnt be burdened with so much work at once but would be able to focus on your studies as well as a student.

You would never be in danger...Rita would just deal with them personally beforehand. Whoever it is must be the most unluckiest person to encounter her.

She would take a day off from doing her duties and instead tend to you as everyone around you would already be busy. She of course, would ask you how you got injured (so she can whoop their ass later) but you would just blame it on your recklessness to leave the battleship and try to fight a honkai beast. She'd advise you to refrain from doing such stupid things again which would get you hurt, but from the look on her face you could tell you got her worried and you would feel a bit guilty from your actions. Would u really die and leave a woman like her alone? Hell naw. You give her a hug and apologize, reassuring her that you would be careful next time which lifts her mood.

She would stop you from trying to get up and convince Theresa to give you a few days off until you get better which she agreed to. So someone else (probably Himeko) would deal with your paperwork and mission duties temporarily which made you relax a bit, much better when she would stay by your side and feed you, tending to your needs.

"I wonder...how long have you been waiting for this moment? Answer me Kanchou sama~"

You would take Rita out for a dinner to a fancy restaurant (all your salary...gone) and invite her for a couple's dance.

Rita would make dinner at and surprise you, as you wouldnt know she was at your house (wait...how'd she have the keys?) That is a tale for another time. You would blow the candles on the cake she made just for you, and feast on the food while having a long chat on how your days went.

A/N: Phew...its been a while since I've done this. Well, I'll be off to do my assignment so ADIOS!

 Well, I'll be off to do my assignment so ADIOS!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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