Bronya Zaychik

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A/N: *jumps out of a hole that says "Gacha Hell"* FINALLY! I CAN BREATHEEEE!!! Oh. Long time no see! Apologies for the very long wait as I had been busy with studying. Been playing a lot of honkai and genshin lately too, farming for materials as you can see *points towards the hole and shivers* I-I can handle anything but that...that scares me. Anyways enough about myself, enjoy the chapter!

You were walking towards the hyperion until you bumped into someone. You looked down to see one of the valkyries, Bronya Zaychik and she was...floating. You apologized to her and asked her what she was doing there and she told you that she's supposed to escort you back to the dorm as you cant enter the hyperion due to technical issues as said by Himeko, so you agreed to follow her. That's when the both of you started talking to eachother.

Bronya thought that you were an irreplaceable captain. If there was one thing she was happy about, it would be having someone who could lead the valkyries well just like Himeko. She highly respects you and appreciates it when you try to help her when she doesnt even need any. You thought that Bronya is a good and hardworking girl and shes very smart too. At first she was a quiet girl with a monotone voice but she slowly started to open up to you and sometimes you would see her show emotions. The one part of her personality that you find funny is when she's savage towards Kiana, even though you feel bad for the would always root for Bronya in your heart to win the argument.

You were bored, like really bored. It was your day off but you had nothing to do in the dorms. You decided to go out to get some fresh air but then remembered that Bronya was also in the dorm so you'd rather not leave her there alone. You knocked in her room and asked her if she wants to come along for a walk and the next thing you saw was her coming out of her room and nodding her head. You both went out and walked for a few minutes until you came across an arcade. Bronya pulled your sleeve and suggested that you both go inside and d-d-duel!! (Sorry...) You both played a lot of games which were recommended by Bronya herself. Before you left, you played a crane game which had every kind of HOMU in it. Bronya told you to get the original HOMU and you went for it. After a few tries and the pain of losing each penny, you finally got a HOMU plushie. You handed it over to Bronya and you wouldnt lie that you caught a glimpse of her smile.

You always wondered why you were so attached to Bronya, why you always approached her in the first place, why you couldnt stop thinking about her. You remembered how you almost barged in the facility so recklessly, in which Cocolia held Mei and Wendy was because Bronya was there too and you wanted to see her alive and well from your own eyes. This feeling you always questioned about in your life, something you hadn't felt in a very long time...was love. Bronya would wander around, lost in her thoughts. But whenever she would think about anything, her thoughts would be interrupted by you. To her, you were her captain, someone she could rely on, someone to whom she could express how she feels. You would ask her how she is everyday, you would play video games with her and spend every moment with her till the time she never thought that she was alone anymore. Other than Seele, you were also one of those who brought a genuine smile to her face and made her feel happy. Bronya would have never thought she would feel this way towards you. She has heard many people talk about this emotion, she wanted to experience it but never had the chance...she probably never thought she would because of the life she lead...until you came into it being the spark of light that engulfed the darkness within. You were...the person she had come to love.

When Bronya jumped into the sea of quanta, you couldnt stand or sit still. You were pacing around in worry and were on the verge of tears. Many kinds of "what ifs" were flowing in your mind, not the good ones. The sea of quanta was not some play area where anyone can just randomly jump into, it's a dangerous place where hardly any normal human can survive and Bronya wasnt an exception. Of course, you believed in her and you knew she was smart, you were confident that she would survive and escape but you still couldnt help but worry. You waited and kept waiting until your energy drained out and you ended up sleeping. Your body was shook by someone, you saw it was Theresa who told you that Bronya returned from the sea of quanta. You didnt waste a second and ran towards the infirmary. You saw Bronya awake, looking towards the nearby window and that moment...relief washed over you. She noticed you walking towards her but was shocked when you gave her a hug. She smiled softly and caressed your hair because she noticed you sniffling which made it obvious to her that you were crying. She felt guilty for making you worry, and you felt useless for not doing anything to save her but at least she was back...because you believed that she would be. When you separated, she wiped your tears away, how much you yearned to see her smile once more...seeing her like that made you feel warm inside. She too had felt the same as the freezing air and the cold ground surrounded by nothing but snow in Siberia...was forgotten due to the warmth you provided her. She was truly happy after such a long time. You both looked into each other's eyes and smiled, saying the words you wanted to. You both jinxed by which you had shared a laugh. A few seconds later, you both leaned in...for a short kiss, one that you wish would last for as long as you wanted.

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