Seele Vollerei

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UltTuna: *eats a cinnamon roll*

Captain: NOOooooooo!!!! You ate Seele!!!

UltTuna: *looks at the bitten roll*



*Somewhere in the sky Seele's spirit with a smile on her face*

Seele: Bronya oneechan...has Seele made you proud?

UltTuna: jokes aside, i played the damn amusement park event last update and it made me depressed so i wrote this for her sake. BYE.


When Bronya returned from the sea of quanta, she brought a mysterious girl with her. You then recalled that Bronya had told you about her before, her best friend who disappeared because of an experiment led by Cocolia. You felt sorry for her but now the past was in the past so you went to her to greet her. She hid behind Bronya as she was shy but once she saw how you had a gentle smile, she slowly came up and introduced herself...bowing like more than 10 times which you couldnt help but find it adorable. Seele wanted to try and know you especially when she found out that you were the hyperion's captain, she thought you were a "cool oniichan".


UltTuna: Whoever's about to faint from that, go have some water and learn how to breathe. Also, you have been brotherzoned...THE END.

You now had started to know why Bronya cared for such a sweet girl like Seele, that's because she is one! She cares a lot about everyone and worries more about others than herself and is willing to put her life on the line to protect those dear to her. She tries her best to become strong and keep up with everyone, training everyday in the simulation arena. Seele knew a lot about you since Bronya told her how you treat everyone around and that makes her no less than happier because she wants to be comfortable around you and have a proper chat. She already had noticed how you are during missions and she admires you greatly for being so confident in giving commands, wishing to continue working alongside you to aid in battles.

You did not know how to approach Seele but Bronya being the smartass and observant one gave you an idea which was to tour her around in hyperion since Seele was still new and would easily get lost. You agreed to the idea and asked Seele if she'd like for you to be her hyperion guide (Sorry Ai-Chan) and she easily said yes so you took her and showed her around. She was in awe on how many things there were and you were very knowledgable about them.

You and Seele became very comfortable around each other that you both would have small tea parties and eat cake, Seele would ask Bronya but she would kindly refuse telling her that you both enjoy your time alone and she would go hang out with Kiana. After the incident with Herrscher of Domination and after your constant worries for Seele who assured you that she was fine, she eventually told you about her other self. You told her that you didn't care about that and its good that she had someone who can watch over and protect her if you're not around. Seele was glad that you didn't see her differently and that you deeply cared for her, it made her heart pound in a way she couldn't describe well...that was until a voice in her head told her what it really meant and Seele's face became the color of a tomato. You were very fond of Seele as she would always help you out with your work so you would get some proper sleep and wouldn't overwork yourself. Time went by and a certain feeling occurred in your heart when you would walk beside her, eyes telling you not to look anywhere else but at her. You couldn't help but smile, who would've thought the captain would finally find someone to love.

You and Seele were chatting in your bedroom talking about how your days went by and the fun moments. You wanted to tell her how you felt but your nervousness took the better of you. You both noticed how it was very late and Seele was about to leave so you could sleep in peace but before she left, she gave you a peck on the cheek with a light blush on her face. She left the room and you were still frozen in shock. You put your hand on the same place, your cheeks felt warm. Now you could really sleep in peace and have a good dream.

Seele and you had a movie night since she wanted to have a sleepover but when the movie finished, you saw that Seele was already asleep beside you. You took a blanket and put it on her turning to leave until her hand stopped yours and she placed it beneath her face. This action made you flustered but it was something that made you not want to leave so you lied down beside her, ready to sleep.

Seele and you planned on making lunch for your picnic and while preparing all the food, she would talk about her days in the orphanage when Bronya and her would make the best food but Rozaliya, Liliya and Sin Mal would create dishes...that were an abomination. The kitchen was full of laughter and joy that made you forget all the bad things that happened before.

There really wasn't any studying since you all spent your days on the hyperion while doing missions. But since Seele loved to read books, you both would read a book together and discuss about it as well, sharing your thoughts on how it was.

Seele would be the one panicking but would try to compose herself while Veliona would scold her in the head. You too would try to reassure her that you will be fine and will try not to get harmed seriously because she will protect you. Those words were enough to give her more courage and would keep standing beside you to make sure there isn't any threat.

She would worry a lot while tearing up, saying that its her fault for being weak and unable to protect you and you would always feel like comforting her. You'd end up telling her that she's as strong as everyone and is not weak anymore. After she patches your wounds up, she was happy to meet your expectations and vows to protect you with her life in the future.

You were a workaholic and would worry about leaving your work but for the first time in your life had Seele scolded you and you instantly shut your mouth after that and let her take care of you for the rest of your sickness.

"C-Captain...if its enough, then can lie down. i don't mind as long as its helpful to relieve you from your stress."

Seele would ask Bronya for advice to give you things you'd like and prepare for a surprise party and you were very thankful to her to give you the best birthday so far. While for Seele, you'd also go to Bronya and ask about her favorite things and what she would prefer having on her birthday. It had been a very long time since Seele had her birthday as she was trapped in the sea of quanta so you were satisfied with how everything went as long as she was enjoying her day with a smile on her face.


UltTuna: Guess who was the winggirl in this one ;D

Btw i wrote this while listening to the new hoyo-mix album "Forest of Jnana and Vidya" and man...did i ascend to celestia.

Ladies, gentlemen, cultured men and simps

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Ladies, gentlemen, cultured men and simps...may i present you...


So...what do you think? Should I...y'know


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