Chapter 20

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When we got from the mall it was late so we ate pizza, of course. Guess who picked that out. While we were eating Beau was texting Charlotte, I tried to hide my 'big brotherness'.

"You sure you like the dress?" I asked.

"Yeah, better than a turtle neck!" she laughed, I had a hard time with her going to Pittsburgh once now she's going again. What?

"Good." I smiled unsure of what else to say.

"I should go pack, my flight leaves early tomorrow. " she said taking both of our plates.

"I'll help you." I said


"Yeah." I fake smiled.

As we were packing I couldn't help but think, she's going to be alone... with her boyfriend... alone.

"Stop worrying about me!" it's like she read my mind.

"I'm not!" I lied.

"Matt shut the hell up." she rolled her eyes.

"It's hard not to." I defended.

"Don't I'll be okay." she said.

"Try not to. Okay get some sleep." I said getting up.

"Matt... you're a good brother. But just trust me when I leave with Beau. "

"Okay." I smiled "Goodnight"

Charlotte's POV

I was exhausted by the time I got to my gate. I just wanted to get on the plane already and sleep. After an hour and a half of waiting we finally borded, and finally sleep.

I felt a little more well rested when the plane landed, after I grabbed my bag I went to go find Beau. Once I found him I ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"How's my girl?" he asked while we hugged.

"Great now! I like being here with you." I said letting go of him.

"Let's go we have to go pick up two pizzas and ice cream." he said grabbing my bags.

When we got to his apartment Kailey decided to surprise me.

"Charlotte!" she yelled as she leaped into my arms.

"Oh my god hi!" I said hugging her.

"I heard you coming back so here I am."

As we ate we talked, by talked I mean Kailey told a million embarrassing stories about Beau.

"I think someone promised to play piano for me." I said once Kailey had to leave.

"Fine!" he said throwing me over his shoulder and running to his room, "it's just a keyboard so don't judge." he laughed before beginning to play. Oh my god could that boy play. It was a nice surprise.

After he finished I asked "So I'm guessing hockey wasn't the only you were learning when you were little." I smirked.

"Well Kailey didn't want to play so I thought what the hell." he said sitting next to me.

"Well that was very sweet of you." I said before giving him a kiss.

"I bet I'll finish my tub of ice cream before you." he taunted.

"Try me." I smirked.

Before the charity ball that night we did some running around. We had to find a tie to match cause well he's a guy and waits till the last minute. As I was getting ready I felt very dizzy.

"Hey you good?" Beau asked looking concerned.

"Yeah. It's just all that ice cream I ate, before you did I might add."

"You're so funny!" he said sarcastcally.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Why aren't you? " he said mocking me.

"Cause a girl always does hair and make up first, duh." I said mocking his sarcasm.

"Fine I'll go get dressed." Then he went off.

I hurried and slipped on my dress and silver pumps then walked out of his room.

"I'm not sure I want to take you anymore." he said looking me up and down.

"And why not?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Cause my teammates will be checking you out." he said holding out his arm for me.

The venue was gorgeous, they weren't kidding when they said charity ball. Beau and I talked to his teammates for a while, they were great and so were their wives/girlfriends. After a couple of dances I really felt dizzy, like a bad sugar rush dizzy.

"I'll be right back." I told Beau.

"You okay? Want me to come with you?" he asked holding my hand for a minute.

"No I'm good." I said with a reassuring smile.

Once I got to the bathroom I puked up everything I ate yesterday and today, stupid ice cream. After I got myself back together I walked out to Beau... locking lips with another girl.

A/N sorry for updating two days in a row I was just bored so I thought why not. Please keeps reading and voting! Love you guys :)

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