Chapter 32

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The next morning I woke up to Charlotte making herself breakfast... again. I walked out dreading what would come next... silence is what came next. I really had to get on a plane today if I wanted to play in the championship but I didn't just want to leave things the way they were.

"Oh my god please say something. Whether it's offensive or not." I pleaded.

She looked at me, bit her lip, opened her mouth then went back in her room. I should have known she wasn't going to say anything.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch next to Paisley. Then my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"When are you getting here? Our first game is tomorrow." Said Ryan on the other line.

"Probably... tomorrow..." I stuttered "I just can't leave things the way they are." I said.

"Okay, I'll let couch know."

Then, I hung up. If I left now she would be right about me letting hockey always get in the way. Not this time. I went in her room determined to make her listen to what I have to say.

"Charlotte... you are going to sit here and listen to what I have to say." I demanded when I walked in her room, "I am sorry for being such a fuck up that you are now giving me the silent treatment. I'm sorry that I missed your graduation again, I'm sorry I'm the worst brother in the world. And I'm sorry that you put me in your speech and that I was a let down." Pause "I'm sorry, okay." I said taking in a deep breath.

"Thanks... I appreciate the apologie." She half smiled. "At least I know you're sorry, cause I couldn't tell."

We were off to a better start now.

"I'll drive you to the airport." She offered.

I came back two weeks later. We had won gold and I was on cloud 9.

I walked in the house to see Beau and Charlotte snuggled on the couch together... nasty. But I was happy to see her, she gave me a semi hug, I call that progress. And then we sat on the couch. She was biting the inside of her cheek... she had something she wanted to tell me but was too scared. She did the same thing when I met Beau.

"We have something we want to tell you..." she said biting her cheek harder "uh... well... I am moving to Pittsburgh earlier then expected."

"But wait, you don't have a place to stay or..."

"Oh yeah here's the catch..." she laughed "I'm living with... Beau."

He went so pale I thought he was going to disappear.

"Woah woah... woah. This is crazy." I said.

"Yeah, I know. But it will work out. See now Ashley can move in." she smiled.

I just gave her a blank expression.

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