Chapter 23

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When I opened the door there was Beau, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Hello sir." he said wiping his hand on his jacket before shaking my hand.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you about something." he swallowed hard.

"Okay." I said sitting on one of the chairs on the porch.

"Okay... I kissed another girl in front of your sister so maybe she would break up with cause I can't cause I felt like she could do better and I really really regret it please don't kill me." he said without taking one single breath.

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"I know it was really stupid of me, but..." Then he trailed off.

"Give me one very good reason why I should let you just walk away."

His face filled with even more fear, "uh... because I know how stupid it was."

"Go now before I change my mind." I said making no eye contact.

"Yes sir." he said then quickly left.

When I went back inside Char was looking out the window with the biggest grin on her face.

"You scared the living shit outta him." she laughed still looking out the window.

"Well what else are brothers for?" I smiled.

Later that night Char went out with some friends with school leaving me and my thoughts home alone.  As I sat on the couch I couldn't stop thinking about the letters, which one would she pick? Either way she's leaving me. After my sorrows left my mind I decided to watch a movie, anything to get my mind off of this.  I ended up watching the Lord of the Rings and falling asleep half way through the movie.

The next day the sun blazed on my face causing me to wake up. The tv was off and I had a blanket covering me. I checked on her, she was sound asleep. After I made myself breakfast I decided to go for a run. To only think about the letters over and over again. This was driving me crazy, I think I thought about her decision more than she did.

When I got home Char was still asleep, damn what time did she get home? I closed her door once more. After my shower I decided to make lunch, Charlotte beat me to the punch.

"What up sleepy head?" I smiled.

"Nothing I was just exhausted." she didn't seem all the way here

"Earth to Char" I said waving my hand in front of her face.

"Sorry..." she said coming out of her trans.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just thinking what I should do during med school. " she shrugged.

"Whatever you decide I will support you." I smiled.

"Thank you.  I just don't want to make the wrong choice."

"You won't, go with your gut."

"Thanks for the oh so great advice." we both laughed.

A/N THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE NEW READS AND VOTES! I love you guys so much and I love writing for you guys. Please keep reading and voting. Writing makes me so happy so I hope you guys are enjoying my writing. Love you guys :)

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