Chapter 44

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"Oh my god Matt! Take the damn picture!" Whined Charlotte as her and Beau posed by the Estes Park sign.

"I'm trying!" I laughed, feeling my nose getting colder and colder.

"Calm down Char." Laughed Beau.

"What? It's freezing out here and I want hot chocolate." She said smiling again for the picture.

"Don't worry you got me to keep you warm." Smiled Beau then kissed her.

"Ew! Ew! Gross. No, none of that." I said snapping a few more pictures and coming in between them.

"Oh Matt don't be a baby." Laughed Ashley snapping a picture of me and Char.

After a few more pictures we headed into town. It was a small town with shops and Christmas lights hung from trees, I loved it here. We came up with Gabe and Mel because tomorrow this is where they would be getting married.

After we went to every shop and saw every little thing, we went back to the hotel. More and more guys from the team started to show up, the news warned us about about more snow coming. It was going to be hell trying to get back down.

"Matty!" Yelled Nathan walking through the lobby with his things.

"Running a little late, huh?" I smiled then shook his hand.

As soon as everyone got here we went to our rooms to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. Not everyone was in the wedding so the group got smaller.

Charlotte's POV

"I never thought I would wear this many dresses in a short amount of time." I laughed while Beau zipped up the back of my dress, it was deep purple with jewels for straps and it covered half of my knees.

"You look amazing in them though." He smiled as I handed him the necklace to put on.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I smiled and turned around to tie his bow tie that matched my dress.

Soon we all met up at a restaurant in town, it was quiet, cozy, and most importantly warm. Their colors were red and white, the dinner matched the colors.

"Everyone has either a red or white dress right?" Asked Mel as we filled our seats, we all shook our heads yes.

She was nervous but tried to hide to hid it, I talked to her for most of the night to try and calm her nerves. Everyone seemed to take a liking to Beau, he wasn't left out of the conversation. Soon after we practiced where to go for the ceremony, where to sit after, the first dance, and everything like that.

By the time we go to the hotel I was beat. The cold and warm bed didn't help much either, I was asleep before my head was on the pillow.

Matt's POV

"Are you excited?" I asked Gabe as he stared at the ring.

"More than ever before." He breathed out.

"Hey, you'll be fine." I reassured him.

Soon the music started playing and I met Ashley along with others, Gabe slowly made his way to the altar and breathed a sigh of relief. The next song started playing and it was our que to walk down the aisle. Ashley and I were in front of Charlotte and Beau. Char looked gorgeous, her dress was long and flowy, red, with a sheer one strap. Her hair was in loose curls and half up, she always made a statement.

After we were all in our places the bride's music began to play. Gabe 'so eyes lit up when he saw Mel walking down the aisle.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

The guests erupted in cheers and applause as they kissed, it was a moment they wouldn't forget for sure.

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