Chapter 40

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"Just ride with me, the bus already left you." I laughed to Tyler as we walk in the parking lot. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my truck, "What?" I asked.

"I never figured you for a truck girl." he shrugged then laughed.

"Yeah I get that a lot." I say leaping into it.

"There's this place up the street I've been wanting to try. You wanna go there?"

"Sure." I smile then start the truck.

When we walked inside it looked like an Old Chicago restaurant but with more or a country feel. When we were seated he order us two beers.

"If you don't mind me asking... who are you dating?" he asked then took a gulp of his drink.

"Beau Bennett." I shrugged.

"Oh my god! I remember seeing him get hurt on the highlights, I'm so sorry." he said apologetically.

"It's fine, he shouldn't take too long to heal. He's lucky he only has a minor spine injury and broken ribs." I commented.

"Wow. That guy did some damage. How long until he can start skating again?"

"They're thinking mid December early January."

"I hope he heals quickly... okay I took you out to forget about him for a while, so no more talking about him." he smiled.

"Deal." I smirked.

The whole night we talked about everything and anything. He was enjoyable to talk to. As the night went on I think he had one too many beers.

"You're too pretty to be ignored." he somewhat slurred his words.

"Oh am I?" I laughed, "I think you had one too many beers to know what you're talking about." I smiled.

"No, no, I'm fine. But... I really do like hanging out with you, even though it's just as friends." Yep I could tell he was totally on the verge of being drunk.

"Maybe next time you're in town Beau can come with us." I said.

"If he doesn't stop being an ass to you he's going to lose you." he winked at me.

I playfully rolled my eyes and asked for the check. As soon as the waitress set it down he hurried and grabbed it before I can.

"I may be on the verge of being drunk, but I never let a lady pay for dinner." He said struggling to sign his name.

"Well thank you, come on let's get you back to the hotel." I said grabbing my keys. On our way walking out he couldn't walk in a straight line, I just ended up helping him walk.

On the drive to his hotel his phone started ringing.

"Ugh why is Jamie calling me?" he slurred, maybe he really was drunk, "Hello?" I said.

"Are you drunk?" Jamie asked on the other line.

"Psh no, why?" he asked trying to hide it but couldn't.

"Give me the phone." I told Tyler, he handed it over right away, "Hey, Jamie? My name is Charlotte and I'm the sports medicine doctor for the Penguins. Uh we hung out after the game and yeah, he can't walk in a straight line so could you meet me outside the hotel? I drive a black Chevrolet." I said into the phone quickly.

"Of course, thank you so much for not letting him drive." he replied.

"Anytime." Then we hung up.

As I pulled up in front of the hotel Jamie was waiting for us. I got out and helped him get Tyler out.

"Thank you again." said Jamie.

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