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You head to class as usual just this time alone without Jungkook he didn't go since he had a mission with your father and those sometimes take more than one day so you just sat at your table. Today's classes were different Taehyung enters and takes a seat next to you. "Hi" you smile "Hi" you both were now closer to each other than before.

Taehyung was popular amongst everyone but not as popular as Jungkook. He had a crush on you he tried his best to tell you but he just couldn't and well his actions showed you well you didn't pick it up you thought he was just being nice. He was nice to everyone so you didn't think much of it. You were popular as well apart from being Jungkook's best friend you were known as the smart girl and everyone liked you once in a while people would confess to you but you nicely rejected them you didn't like anyone there.

During class, the teacher discussed an upcoming play that is occurring and those who participate would get extra credit so you being you for sure you would sign up once the bell rings. You look over to Taehyung who is staring at you "What's with that stare" he then looks away "Oh nothing are you signing up for the play?" You nod saying yes.

He decides to sign up as well with you so you two can hang out more he took advantage of hanging out with you when Jungkook wasn't present. After class, you head to lunch once it was over you pass to Mr. Kim's class to visit him. "Hi Mr." He smiles and tells you to come in "Hi Y/n where's your other half" you smile "He didn't come today" Mr. Kim sees Taehyung who he doesn't know he wasn't in his class. "Oh, this is Kim Taehyung. Taehyung this is Mr. Kim" they greet each other "Well Y/n thanks for visiting also you and Jungkook did well now you two head to class okay bye." You two-wave and leave.

You split ways Taehyung said he had to do something so you went to class first. He comes back late and everyone was staring at him. "Taehyung you're late please don't let this be a daily habit I'm letting this pass this time take a seat" he smiles and goes to his seat next to yours. He hands you a drink and everyone was surprised. You thank him "Why does she always have guys giving her things?" You ignored whoever said that.

"Probably because she is nice and doesn't be talking about everyone compared to others," Taehyung said and you slightly laugh. You look back to see it was the girl that has a crush on Jungkook she supposedly claimed him as hers so everyone knew not to try to talk to Jungkook. She says something under her breath expecting you to get offended but you just ignored it making her madder.

After school, you stayed for the play you go and buy a drink for Taehyung to repay him for buying you one and for defending you. You hand him the drink while looking down and when you looked up you both made eye contact. You ran away because of the nervousness not knowing why you got nervous but he chased you making you panic and run quicker. "Y/n why are you running? Wait" you hide in an empty room.

"What the hell was that," you say to yourself your heart beating quickly you come out all calmed and head back to the auditorium where everyone was. You then started being more of yourself and helped around with costumes while Taehyung got the part of the main lead. He was reviewing everything until he saw that there was a kissing scene he dropped the paper script. He approaches you "Y/n I'm quitting see you tomorrow." You stood there dumbfounded.

He talks to the teacher but they weren't quite happy he walks out "Y/n" they were all worried they couldn't find a replacement even though there was plenty of time it was all planned the school only provided a little bit of time for this play. "Y/n can you convince him I know you two are close" you nod and head to look for him hoping he hasn't left.

You quickly find him "Taehyung why are you quitting?" He stops walking and looks at you "It's just I got in thinking it wouldn't involve you know a kissing scene." You smile "You know it's a fake kissing scene right you just have to make it seem real but not really kiss her it says on the script" he then gasps feeling embarrassed because once he saw the kiss he didn't continue reading.

"Why are you scared of being close to a girl? Oh my is it your first kiss that's why you freaked out" you started teasing him he grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him making you gasp "Who said I was scared and it's not my first kiss?" You punch him out of your quick reflexes he groans letting you go. You can tell he was lying it would be his first kiss that's why he freaked out.

"Well, you better decide we don't have much time" you head back in he later came in and apologized for making a scene after you finished for today you were all dismissed. "Okay bye Taehyung see you tomorrow after school" he nods he was about to ask you to walk you home until he saw you running to Jungkook. He then sighed and left in his direction.

"Jungkook you're back omg are you okay" you hugged him and kept on asking him lots of questions checking him everywhere to make sure he isn't hurt. "I'm okay you know we are the strongest and deadliest out of all you think I would be hurt" he holds your hand and you two walk home. "Still you never know what can happen."

"Yeah, you're right but don't worry." You two walk together as if there was no one else in the world just you two or so Jungkook saw it that way.

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