It resulted it wouldn't be now taking the position would be in a few months and he hadn't talked to his men yet since they were currently trying to get rid of the enemy he wanted to be sure that you two know who would be in charge. Until now it's still undecided. Practically you and Jungkook were competing for it. Did you want it? Deep down you did, you actually found it something you're willing to do for the rest of your life, and being taught by the best the current boss your father for sure it'll be a success but Jungkook as well was taught by him you two were on the same level.
The next morning you wake up it was around 10 pm you yawn and felt someone beside you without hesitation you kicked them on the floor. "Ow Y/n" Jungkook stood up from the floor "Oh I'm sorry I forgot you slept over" he removed the blanket away from you "Hey give it back it's cold," he thought to himself how can you be cold when you're wearing sweats and a hoodie he throws it over your head and walks to the door "Where are you going?" He looks back at you "It's a secret princess" you throw him a pillow "Don't call me that only my father can if he finds out he'll beat you."
Instead of leaving he comes back "That's why it'll be our secret and friends can have nicknames right start thinking about mine" before you could do anything to him he runs out he was being like his old self. You groan knowing now you would be teased by him he would annoy you like he used to. You go shower then quickly head out to talk to Taehyung's parents to tell them your decision once and for all to fully ended.
You ring on the doorbell and it opens but you get dragged out by his mom "Come on hurry" you walk following both his dad and mom they put you in the car "Where are we going?" they constantly checked the time they were in a rush "We're going to the company" the driver was driving fast making you hold onto your seatbelt "Why do I have to go?" She hands you a lunch box "Can you please give this to Taehyung once we get there we have to go to a meeting."
You see you've arrived they quickly get off "But we aren't together anymore" they couldn't hear you they were gone inside you unbuckle your belt and head in. You were greeted and get on the elevator you see it's his lunchtime it's already noon. The elevator door opens Rachel sees you quite surprised she then got nervous "Y/n what brings you here?" you show her the lunch box "Where is he?" She hesitated to answer you see everyone looking at you with pity.
"Is he in his office or not" she looks down "Yes he is" you go walking there. You lean on the door since you heard your name you were confused you look back to see everyone wasn't looking at you anymore as if you weren't there. You grab the doorknob and open the door you enter you see nothing until you turn to his desk and see Bona bent over the table naked as Taehyung thrusted in her.
You gasp and drop his lunch box making a loud sound catching their attention. They both looked at you his eyes widened seeing you there you walk out. He fixed his clothes and went after you "Y/n" he grabs your wrist. "Don't touch me" you remove your hand everyone didn't dare to look at you two. You figure it out they know "I'm sorry I..." he grabbed your hand again you slap him.
He was crying again "Why are you crying a few seconds ago you were fine where did all that energy go huh doing it with someone else and the audacity to be saying my name you disgust me."
Everyone heard both of you screaming at each other they felt bad for you eventually everyone on that floor knew about him and Bona none of them couldn't say anything because he threatened them as well as he did with Rachel."Rachel" you call her and she comes to you "Yes" she bows "How long has this been going on?" Taehyung looks at her "For a while now" you start laughing "And you wanted me to stay with you to forgive you. You may go Rachel you won't be fired if that's what he said he'll do I have a great impact here." She bows and goes to her place.
"You and Jungkook did it" he screamed as you were walking away you roll your eyes can he not get it through his head that it was years ago. You look back "Yeah we did it in high school it was 5 years ago and you and I weren't even a thing back then and look now five years down the drain fuck you Taehyung." You turn around to see his parents there Bona came out of his office and his father's eyes widened.
Did they hear everything? His father approaches him and slaps him making everyone gasp his mother apologized to you and you leave out the building. "I guess I'm free right" you start clapping "Princess are you ready to go?" You see Jungkook on his motorcycle "I told you not to call me that. What if I give you a nickname as well." You walk over to him "Then I'll love it" you felt flustered "So is it true?"
"What?" He shows you his phone it's been trending of what Taehyung did. "Well yeah but I don't care" he smiles "That's my good girl you are a strong independent woman get on we'll go eat and I promise I won't tell your father." You stood there "What is it?" You smirk making him unaware if to be excited or scared, you point, and he understood. He scooted back so you can get on in front so you can ride the motorcycle.
He wraps his arms around your waist "Koo" he hums "Oh no that was cringy I'll just call you by your name" he smiles "But I like it."

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Fanfiction"Who are you choosing him or me?" Love Triangle Jungkook x Reader Taehyung x Reader Fanfiction Highest Ranking: #1 readerxbts #1 jungkookie #2 friendswithbenefits #2 btsfandom Some mature content 🔞 Don't forget to follow and vote! Started - Jul...