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Your father was shot you then were in charge you visited your father his words before he headed to the surgery room were "You're in charge Y/n just this one time I'll wake up soon I'll make sure I see my grandchild." You were crying but tried to contain your emotions for the health of your baby  "I'll make sure to end his bloodline" you say to yourself wiping your tears. Jungkook hugs you "I'm okay," you tell him but he still held you tightly in his arms he places his hand on your stomach "I guess you know are you worried about the baby?"

"I'm worried about you. You always come first" he kisses your cheek being in his arms made you feel safe you were now calm. "Let's get rid of the rest come on," you say ready to make sure those at fault pay. Jungkook sends Tan to find information while you had to attend the meeting instead of your father. You head in everyone stands and bows once you sit they all sit waiting for your orders.

"So what have you found?" you ask Jungkook was beside you "We found out that Han Joowon has a son he's the same age as you boss. His name is Han Jae he was the one who informed his father about your whereabouts." You nod "He's the only son he has?" You ask they nod "Yes he only had one son his wife ended up running away there's no trace of her. You can see him today he'll be attending the party of the mayor's daughter" you stand up "Well perfect we'll end it there you are all free to go we'll meet at the party."

You and Jungkook exit out "Princess will you kill him?" He looks at you "Yes he'll pay since he was involved as well if he hadn't been involved I would've let him go. Now shall we go buy our outfits after all it's a masquerade theme party" he opens the door for you "Princess are you hungry or anything" you smile "No I'm fine."

The time comes you all got dressed one by one you head in you quickly spot him. "I'll get him alone," you say Jungkook then looks at you he didn't want no one going near you. Slowly you approach him he was taking a sip of his drink you sit next to him "May I join" he looks at you "Of course" the waiter who was one of your men hands you a drink that wouldn't hurt the baby you take a sip.

He started being touchy Jungkook from afar wasn't having it Tan had to hold him back you remove his hand from your thigh "How about we go where there is no one" you whisper and he knew a place. "Come on" he guides the way Jungkook then followed you guys he opens the door it was far from where the guests were. He pinned you to the wall and started kissing your neck you quickly push him away and punch him.

"What the fuck" you smile and take your mask off his eyes widened "I guess you know me right" he started walking away he ran to the door and tried to open it making you laugh. Jungkook opens it and he takes steps back Jungkook comes in. Outside were Tan and the rest guarding making sure no one hears anything.

"You're the leader now. I guess your father died didn't he." You smile "Oh no my father is fine have you checked on your father he's gone and you'll be gone the same way." He presses a button you shake your head "The biggest mistake you could ever do no one is coming." Jungkook smiles seeing how things are about to get interesting. You lift your dress and take your gun out that was on your thigh Jungkook smirked.

"That's my girl well your time has come to an end sir" you shoot without hesitation. Once his body fell you look at Jungkook he hugs you "It's over" you hug him back he grabs your hand and you two exit out everyone who came with you walked behind you guys. The amount of power there was present you all get in your cars and leave as if nothing happened. Jungkook started checking you "Are you okay did he try to do anything" you cup his face "I'm okay."

You then remembered your father you close your eyes and hope for him to get better. Your father was at the hospital going through surgery that there wasn't a 100% chance of surviving so you prayed so he would get well and wake up so his dream of seeing his grandchildren becomes true. You arrive at the hospital the surgery still wasn't done you were exhausted you fell asleep on Jungkook's shoulder.

The next day you wake up Jungkook was sleeping leaning his head against the wall you sit up and stretch he then wakes up. "Ms. Y/n and Mr. Jungkook" you two stand up hearing your names "The surgery was a success he's now awake and wishes to see you both" you both thank the doctor and head inside the room. You walk in and your father smiles "My Y/n" you hug him "Father" he caressed your hair "I'm okay sweetie how are you and the baby" you clear your tears "We're both okay don't worry. Father you'll be a grandfather soon" he smiles.

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