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The next morning you were all on Jungkook hugging him he woke up first so he was just smiling observing you. He started smiling thinking of the future seeing a little child running around the house. You open your eyes feeling him caress your hair. "You're awake princess?" You smile and rub your eyes "Yeah how long have you been awake Koo" he places a kiss on your nose making you laugh.

"Not that long come on let's go shower we did so much" you nod and sat up. After you two took a shower he made you a big breakfast. "Thank you Koo let's eat" you two started eating when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," he says and goes open it he comes back with a big stuffed bunny in his hands you started smiling. "Oh, what's that?" He hands it to you "It's a present for you princess" you thank him "It's cute I love it let me go place it in the bedroom I'll be back" he nods and watches you leave he patiently waited for you.

"Okay let's eat," you say taking your seat again. "Oh that's right I'll be back late today we have one last mission before your father chooses someone okay" you grab his hand "Please be careful okay" he takes a bite of his food "I will." Time passes he dressed up and had to go you see him out the door "Okay bye princess" he kisses you what you thought would be a soft kiss turned into a hot passionate one. "Koo you have to go" you mumble in between the kiss he then lets you go "I just can't be without you" he waved and walks over to your dad's place where they would meet up. You head back in locking the door.

Jungkook arrived at your dad's house "Okay should we start going" your father sends the rest out "Yes come on let's go get your weapons ready in case" as they were all heading out Jungkook stops Tan. "What is it?" Tan asked confused "Can you stay with Y/n I don't think she should be alone there's a suspicious car parked close by I would stay but I'm the right hand so you know" Tan understood "Okay I'll stay with her don't worry I'll also call backups" Jungkook felt relieved "Okay don't tell her anything about the suspicious car" Tan gives him a thumbs up.

"It seems your enemy has a daughter and she's with his right hand they live together," the man says through the phone "Really well you already know what to do keep an eye on her while we set everything up." The man's eyes widened "Oh that's weird another man is going in" he hears the police sirens "Leave they must know we just have to wait for the right time" he immediately leaves.

"Oh Tan what brings you here I thought you would go" he had some snacks "I just want to hang with my bestie" you laugh "Who said I was I thought it was Jungkook" he scoffs, "You think that annoying man is my bestie I'm just playing yes he is but you are too so you're down to play games and watch movies until Jungkook comes back" you then got excited "Okay yes let's do it."

A few weeks pass you went to a meeting with Jungkook and your father you weren't feeling well you got dizzy. Jungkook sensed you weren't well "Are you okay?" You look at him "Oh yeah I am" he shook his head after the meeting he was going to take you to the doctor. As it finished he grabbed your hand "We'll be going see you next time" they all bow and you leave with him.

"Where are we going?" He opens the car door for you "First I'll take you to the clinic to see if you're okay I don't want you to be in pain the whole day then we'll go eat" you nod. "Do you think you can be pregnant?" You look at him while he drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh. "I don't know I mean we didn't use protection and I've stopped being on a pill so maybe."

"We'll get it checked out either way okay" you both arrive after you go in you then come out he was waiting for you "What happened?" You were kind of sad "No I'm not pregnant it's just that I need to rest" he hugs you seeing you upset. "I'm sorry Koo I know you want a baby" he shakes his head and cups your face "No you don't need to be sorry okay it's okay" you broke down in his arms surprisingly you hoped to be pregnant but no. You then started to think to yourself what if you can't bear children after how much you and Jungkook were active wouldn't a child be on its way.

You two walk back to the car "I'll buy you some boba" he knew that cheers you up it did uplift your mood. You arrive at home "Oh Y/n look I bought you what you wanted last time" he hands you the present last time Tan stayed you won him and the bet was a present of one's choice. "Oh thank you I'll be in my room" you smile and walk to your room. You go and lay on your bed while Tan and Jungkook were in the living room.

"What happened? She looks sad usually she's happy" Jungkook sat down "She was feeling unwell during the meeting so I took her to the clinic we thought she might've been pregnant but she isn't once she told me she was sad." Tan nodded his head "Well I should leave so you can comfort her I'll visit another time."

Jungkook heads to your shared bedroom he opens the door he sees you laying down facing the window "Princess are you asleep?" You turn to look at him "Oh no I'm not" he starts removing his jacket "You want to cuddle?" He asks and you pat the bed telling him to lay next to you. He starts cuddling you "I love you, princess."

"I love you too Koo."

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