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6 years later

You and Jungkook now have two beautiful children your oldest son Jung-hwan who is 6 and your daughter Jung-ah who is 5. After having Jung-hwan you two got married and later on, Jung-ah came to the world. The age gap between them was 1 year.

Your father successfully came back all healthy he ended up giving the position to Tan. He was going to give it to you since you and Jungkook were together it would be considered as one but both you and Jungkook decided for the safety of the kids to give the position to someone else who wanted it. Tan was glad to take it apart from being goofy he was a very smart man who everyone listened to after all he was the second right hand of your father.

It was fun raising your kids but now they were in school so you were free because when they came back you dedicated your time to them but have no problem with it you love them. Jungkook helps you as well in helping around not letting you do everything.

Your children would stay at the school's after-school program where they did their homework and played making friends. You were doubtful about leaving them since you could pick them up but they wanted to join the program to play more with their friends. Jungkook convinced you so now after school you both would go pick them up.

Currently, you were hanging out with Tan's girlfriend. Tan ended up finding someone and when you met her you two clicked and instantly became friends. "How come you aren't seeing anyone?" She asks you and you smile "Because the roommate I live with doesn't let me and I'm always busy," you say and Jungkook scoffs making you and her laugh. It was an inside joke that Jungkook was your roommate between you and her.

"Y/n I'm not your roommate I'm your husband we have two kids I always tell you to have fun but you can never leave them," he says you nod "Yeah that's why I love my kids too much to leave them alone but right now they are in school that's why we're hanging out" she smiles. "Your kids are so beautiful they are just so cute and they are smart last time they came up to me asking me some questions I couldn't answer. I can't wait to have mines."

You laugh "Yeah I'm sure it'll happen soon" Jungkook grips your thigh you face him confused. "We have to pick up the children" you then gasp how can you forget "Okay Ji-eun we'll hang out some other time we have to go pick up Jung-hwan and Jung-ah" she nods understanding "Of course tell them I said hi," you and Jungkook say bye and start heading to the school.

You see many people going to pick up their kids. You get off the car Jungkook grabs your hand "What do you think they'll come with" you start guessing "For sure a drawing if I get it right you have to buy us ice cream okay" he couldn't help but smile "Okay fine" you two head in and wait as the teacher calls for them.

"Jeon Jung-hwan and Jeon Jung-ah your parents are here," the teacher says mentioning other kids' names. Jung-hwan says bye to his friends and walks to the teacher. "Oh I'm leaving come with me I want you to meet my parents," Jung-ah says holding the hand of her friend he followed her. Jung-hwan saw his younger sister holding his hand he was upset he didn't like him apart from being older than him he just didn't want any boy near his sister especially older ones's he felt the need to always protect her but he knew that he couldn't break them up.

Jung-ah's friend was 7 they became friends because Jung-ah saw him getting bullied and what she was taught was that bullying is wrong so she defended him and their friendship blossomed. Jung-hwan sees you and Jungkook and immediately runs to you two hugging you both. "Mom dad I missed you. Here" he hands you a drawing you smile knowing you got it right Jungkook picks him up "Where's your sister?"

He points "She's barely coming she's coming with her friend" you were curious as to who it was you see her and she runs to you "Mommy daddy she hugs you" she hands her drawing to Jungkook which he brings Jung-hwan down and gets it. She walks to the boy who was standing observing you all. He only had his dad he didn't have a mom he never really met her so seeing a full family happy made him sad.

She grabs his hand and brings him closer to you guys "Mom dad this is my friend his name is Kim Tae-ho" he was shy you smile "Hi Tae-ho nice to meet you I'm Y/n." He bows Jungkook was upset seeing his daughter hold a boy's hand but he then smiles "Hi Tae-ho I'm Jungkook nice to finally meet you my daughter talks a lot about you" Tae-ho smiles and looks at Jung-ah. She hides her face hugging you feeling embarrassed her father is exposing her.

"Kim Tae-ho your father is here," the teacher says he turns around and sees his father he runs to him. You look and your eyes widened as well as Jungkook. Tae-ho grabs his father's hand to bring him closer to you guys. "This is my father Kim Taehyung. Dad this is my friend Jeon Jung-ah and her parents Jungkook and Y/n and older brother Jung-hwan." Taehyung looks at you and it got awkward.

"Hey, Jungkook. Hi, Y/n it's been a long time I never expected to meet you somewhere here" Jung-hwan interrupts "How do you know my mom?" You grab Jung-hwan's hand and Jungkook picked up Jung-ah. "We met in high school," you say answering the question. "Well, we should go," Jungkook says you all say bye and head your ways.

"Daddy she looks like mom just with long hair," Tae-ho says Taehyung clears his throat "Well you know out there in the whole world there's a person who looks like you" Tae-ho was surprised "Really wow. Dad do you think Jung-ah can come to visit" Taehyung smiled "I'm not sure want to go buy cake" he cheers "Yes let's go" Taehyung laughs and opens the door for him and buckles him up.

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