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It's been a month the wedding would be precisely in two more months so there was still time to fully decide on the theme which Rachel was already ahead of. You were at Rachel's house she came up to you with a big binder she placed it on the desk making a big sound.

"Well, this is what I have check it out." You start going through it there were many beautiful themes it was overall just so pretty to just choose one. "You know what Rachel I'll let you decide" she got excited "Really" you nod assuring her. "I promise it will be the best you won't regret choosing me to take the lead for this."

You check the time you were with Rachel since it was her day off today Taehyung was at work and your father went somewhere didn't really give you lots of details. Jungkook was at home with his mother helping her pack since she wanted to visit her sister who lived in another close city. Rachel slams the book shut making you flinch and pay attention to her. "You know what I'll do this later how about we go out to the club let's make it a girl's night."

It was 5 o'clock you decided to say yes. You both started changing she gave you a dress she had bought for you a week ago but couldn't really give it to you because of her busy schedule. You both stare at yourselves in the mirror "Oh wow look at us come on let's go. I know a good place it'll be fun."

She drives there once arriving you two get off and walk-in. The place was filled with people dancing the music was blasting and Rachel automatically started dancing making you laugh she grabbed your hand then gave you a spin. "Come on let's drink" you two sat down and started ordering some drinks. She started talking about her work which you then gave her your whole attention listening to what she had to say.

Jungkook had gone with Tan and a few of the men in the gang to the same club you guys were in. Tan immediately recognized you "Hey Jungkook Y/n is also here" he looks to where Tan pointed and sees you there with your probable friend he hadn't met Rachel. He sees you two stand up and start dancing he smiles "How about we join them? You can finally shoot your shot."

Jungkook cleared his throat "No Y/n is taken she has a boyfriend" Tan didn't know that. "Wait so you're telling me the boss allowed his princess to go out with someone that he doesn't know instead of you." Jungkook nodded "Yeah they've been together for about five years now they are getting married as well soon."

This was all new information to Tan he thought you were single the whole time "Oh but you guys are friends right" Jungkook looks at him worried "Yeah why" Tan smirks "Then we'll hang out as friends come on" he drags him to where you are. "Excuse me ladies do you mind if we join?"

You turn around and you were surprised "Oh Tan Jungkook you guys are here as well. Yeah, you can join." You hug Tan then Jungkook "Rachel these are my friends Jungkook and Tan. Jungkook and Tan this is Rachel, my friend." They say hello to each other "Y/n I didn't know you had such handsome friends" she giggles holding your arm.

Time passes you see your phone died it wouldn't turn on you didn't drink much neither did Jungkook. Although Rachel and Tan were having the time of their lives. You and Jungkook sat while observing them dancing laughing with each other Jungkook saw that behind you someone was looking at you he quickly recognized him and sat closer to you on your right side blocking the man from seeing you.

"What's wrong?" He whispers in your ear "The man over there is one of your father's enemies his name is Han Joowon the one we talked about the last meeting you went to." You gulp "Just act normal no one knows that your father has you." You nod and Rachel takes a seat with you and Tan sits beside her. "Another shot" she screams you smile but got worried because the man would be able to recognize Jungkook and Tan. "Wait Jungkook what time is it?" He pulls out his phone "It's 1 am" you gasp "Oh no I have to go home Taehyung is probably worried."

"Rachel we have to go you have work too at 6" she stands up "Yeah let's go" she couldn't even walk Tan carries her "I'll take her home just give me the address" you give it to him and he gets in her car they both left. Jungkook got in Tan's car and you sit on the passenger seat. He then drives off he quickly arrived and you get off "Thank you bye" he waved and drives off.

You unlock the door and head in he was sitting on the couch. "Why are you late?" He sees what you're wearing "I was hanging out with my friends." He raises an eyebrow "You couldn't send a message or anything I was calling you" he was upset well who wouldn't be. "My phone died that's why" he sighs "Which friend were you with?" You see has a red mark on his neck "You have something on your neck" he touches it "Yeah it's a rash I already put ointment on it. Stop changing the subject and answer."

"I was with Rachel and Jungkook" he cuts you off "Why were you with him?" You look at him surprised he had screamed. "He just happened to be there where we went and he's my best friend what's wrong with hanging out with him" you answer him. "Fine you wanna know why I don't like him that's why" you cross your arms "Taehyung just because you don't like him doesn't mean I'm going to stop hanging out with him we've been friends since we were small."

He scoffs "Really since when do friends sleep with each other" you glare at him was he really being serious "That was a long time a ago we weren't even together. Why are you being like this all of a sudden?" You ask him.

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