cloud recesses

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Hi my dear seniors first of all i apologize for the late update here is the chapter
enjoy reading
Have A Nice Day

He ( wei ying ) immediately get down from lan zhan and said while stuttering " th..thank you".

"What are you doing here? Tresspassing is prohibited in clouf recesses" asked lan wangji with a usual cold voice and expressionless face but inside he is felling an undesribable feeling.

"Ah..ah..hehe that know i can't stay outside till tommorrow right my shijie will definetly worry for me so i don't have any other options other than sneaking..hey don't be so mean since you are my friend right , how about you let me in and i will treat you to a drink tommorrow you know what here is a wine called emperor's smile and it's really tasty , so let me in and we will enjoy tommorrow " said wei wuxian in a cheering tone.

"Breaking barrier is prohibited , climbing wall is prohibited , sneaking in is prohibited , bribing a cultivater is prohibited , drinking is prohibited , you have broken many rules come to conference hall and confess your mistakes" said lan wangji in a cold yet calm tune . can you do this to "me , this is my first time in cloud recesses so i don't know these rules" said wei wuxian with a pout.

"Turn around" said lan zhan.

:What.... is he going to beat me: thought wei wuxian while slowly turning around and he gasped in shock.

 is he going to beat me: thought wei wuxian while slowly turning around and he gasped in shock

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(What the hell is this . This much rules waaaah who bother) he thought while smirking.
  "Hey i really don't know that here is so much rules since this is my first time so please let me go" wei wuxian said and about to fly in but suddenly something come in front and pointed at his lower part preventing him from moving forwards ( guess what it is lol😂😂) "wow what a fine sword" wei wuxian said in amused tone and was about to touch but the sword retreated back which made wei wuxian pout. "Hey you are so mean don't even let me touch your sword its only a sword why are you so grumpy" ( yes yes just a normal sword😂😏😏)

"Come to conference hall and confess" lan zhan said again but this time there is a bit rude in his word.

"Hey we are in same age and you should not talk to your senior like that , you are a disciple but i am the senior disciple of my sect , it's okay you don't need to give respect , we can be good friends what do you say" wei wuxian said and winked at him playfully lan zhan blushed but no can notice it except his brother.

We..we are not friends you have broken many in a single night so come to conference hall..'
"Ayeei.hey you are repeating that sentence for more than two times i think you don't know something , let me tell you one of the twin jades of gusu lan sect leader lan xichen is betrothed to my brother and second twin jade of gusu lan wangji is my fiance, do you get it??so you shuold give me some respect" wei wuxian proudly but he knows what he said is half true half lie.

Lan wangji was taken aback by the latter sentence he knows his brother is betrothed but the next sentence is really gave him a very weird feeling but he was somehow.......happy!!. But he didn't say anything. well he don't know what to say .
When wei ying is about to say  something more he was silenced by the silence charm from lan wangji . Lan zhan cast a spell on him not because he is noisy but because he makes him feel diffrent feelings he afraid what if he can't hold his feelings and splurt it out so he cast the spell and dragged wei wuxian to the conference where his uncle and brother is discussing.

In the conference hall :
          Wei wuxian made to kneel down in front of lan qiren and struggling to speak . Lan xichen sniled at the scene and gestured lan wangji to remove the spell and lan zhan did . The first word wei ying speak was "you fuddy duddy aah i can speak now" he said and smiled wildly at lan xichen. Lan xichen smiled back and said "chikde wei what happened??".
Wei wuxian said while pouting after glaring at lan zhan "this handsome disciple standing here  didn't let me in just because i didn't have an invitation so i don't have any other choice than sneaking in but i caught redhanded by him and he dragged me here brother in law please help me" wei wuxian said while giving puppy eyes.
Lan xichen blushed at the brother in law word his uncle just rolled his eyes at wei wuxian and continued to read his scroll.

"Childe wei sneaking in cloud receases is prohibited and no entrance is allowed after 7.00 pm so that's why wangji caught you"
Lan xichen said with a gentle smile but wei wuxian after hearing the wangji looked confused at lan xichen and asked "what does it have to do with lan zhan i haven't seen him yet" said wei ying innocently.

Lan xichen along with lan qiren stared at him with a shocked expression then looked at lan zhan , there he stood with a usual expresaionless face because he already knew that this idiot didn't know him , lan xichen sighed becuase he knows what his brother is thinking but he composed himself and asked again "childe wei do you know who is this disciple?". "Ahh i don't know him but he saved me from a dog today at the market so i took him as my friend but i forgey to ask hid name"said wei wuxian with a pout.

Lan xichen trying his hard to hold back his laughter while lan qiren dropped his scrolls and looked at lan zhan and wei wuxian dumbfoundly.

Lan xichen then said in gentle voice "childe wei seems you two don't know each other yet so let me introduce childe wei this is my brother lan zhan courtesy name lan wangji and wangji this is young master wei ying courtesy name wei wuxian head disciple of jiang clan". Lan zhan bows slightly in acknowledgement but wei wuxian 😨.........😵😵😵he fainted in shock but lan zhan was fast enouh to caught wei ying in his arms both lan xichen and lan qiren eyea widened ib shock as their nephew/brother hates skinship but now he is carrying someone in his arms and that worried look in his face really a miracle on lan xichen eyes. But lan xichen quickly composed himself and went towards wei ying with a cup of water and sprinkled the water in wei ying's face . Slowly wei ying wake up but he startled when he tmrealise lan zhan was the one who is holding him all this time he immediately try to wake up but he fell down in the same speed he used to wake up because he stepped in his own clothes and fell on lan zhan now both of them lying on the floor lan zhan back hit the floor and wei ying's back hit lan zhan's chest if anyonr sees them they can tell that they are playing some f**k dirty games . Once again lan xichen and lan qiren gasped in shock also wei ying and lan zhan's face together with his ear turned res as tomato . Wei ying immediately stand up and positioned himself straight lan zhan did the same both of thier faces turned crimson red and there is a awkward silence in the room.
     To break the silence lan xichen fake coughs and starts to speak " childe wei since it's your first time in cloyd recesses so it's normal that you don't know many things but it's okay you will used to it now that the misunderstanding is cleared please go to your room and rest tommorrow the classes will be start at 9.00 am in the morning good night childe wei " lan xichen said and bowed slightly .
Wei wuxian laughs awkwardly then he too return the while bowing and left after giving a wink to lan zhan without lan qiren and lan xichen noticing. Lan zhan blushed hard at that.

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