the beginning of the massacre

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The classes at cloud recesses went off rather smoothly. Now it's time for every clans departure. During the time in cloud recesses, a two souls got really closer that the farewell gives them a very uneasy feeling as they both don't know when they will see each other again. But what to do.... Every arrival has a departure...the clans bid their farewell to the sect leader,to their fellow colleagues and lastly to shifu lan qiren. Yet two pair of eyes staring at each other without blinking. None of them wants to broke the trance.

"a'xian?" "a'xian??". "ah? Shijie? Did you say something?". Yanli glanced worriedly at wei ying as he has been acting really weirdly since he came to know of their departure. "a'xian we have to go now" yanli stated calmly." ah! Right! Yeah let's go but jie can you give me two minutes please!". "sure but be quick" as soon the words left his shijie's mouth, wei ying sprinted away to the owner of a pair of eyes which has been seeing his every movement.

"lan zhan"
"i will be leaving now"
"i..i...i...I will miss you"
"mn" [ pardon his red ears]
[and of course our wei ying didn't notice it 🙄]"lan zhannn!!! Do you know any other words other than 'mn'? "
"...........will miss you too"
Lan zhan said it in a emotionless  tone but wei ying knew better. [we too].
"then i will be leaving now" wei ying said it in a rather heavy voice as heavy as his heart.
"mn.... Hope to see you soon" wei ying knew lan zhan meant it when he said those words.

And then they went to the lotus pier. Their typical lifestyle returned. If you are confused on what i mean by their typical lifestyle then here let me show you:
        "WEI WUXIAN give me that pendant back i say!!!" jiang cheng shouted running behind wei wuxian who just ran faster with his pendant which was given to him by lan xichen. "why would i!!" wei ying showed his tongue and ran faster. Jiang cheng took his shoe and was ready to throw at wei ying when it accidently hit one of the disciples and by the force thrown by it the disciple fainted. Wei ying who saw this laughed his ass off. He was so into watching the show that he didn't watch where he running to and ended up falling into the lotus pool. Luckily madam yu is not in the lotus pier as she went to a meeting with the madam of jin clan. Jiang cheng who saw this came near the pool and laughed at wei ying's fully wet appearance and annoyed face. Wei ying who saw this become more annoyed at first but then smirked as he...... "jiang cheng *sniff* *sniff* i..*sob* i think i twisted my feet uwuw😭" wei wuxian started wailing. Jiang cheng panicked hearing his brother crying. "wei ying here, hold my hand. I will help you to your room and then call shijie". Jiang cheng said and offered his hand only to be pulled by wei ying into the pool. "you!!!" jiang cheng exclaimed. "hahaha a'cheng you are so naive" wei ying said and splashed water at jiang cheng. Both of started playing in the water. "hao, hao, quit you two. Let's go inside before you both catch cold" jiang yanli came near them with towel.

Two months later:...[because author is lazy af]

            Two months has passed rather smoothly for the jiang siblings trio. Little they know they are going to face a huge disaster.......

Aaaaaand here i am again ready to take all your slippers. Please please forgive meeeeee. I finished my exams two days ago so from now on [one month] I WILL BE FREE yay!!!!!! So i will update this story.

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