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The next morning:
         Everyone was assigned in the ground. Wei ying glanced at lan zhan who as usual ignored him. Beside him jiang cheng stood with a worried face. Wei ying noticed that Jiang cheng has been zoning out since early in the morning. So he decided to ask. "jiang cheng! Jiang cheng! " he whispered yelled. "what?" jiang cheng glared at him. "why the long face dude?" he whispered. "nothing". Wei ying pouted. "oh come on tell me" he whined. "i said nothing. Now shut up".
"if you don't tell me then i am going to yell. JIA–"."fine fine. i...i am just worried about zewu jun. He didn't send any letter and we don't know what happend to the lans. And Look at lan zhan. He seems pale since i saw him yesterday" jiang cheng said with a worried face. Actually wei ying also noticed that lan zhan is bothered about something but he knows better that lan zhan won't tell him anything. So the only thing wei ying could do was distract him from whatever was bothering him which is why he went to his room yesterday. While in his thoughts he averted his gaze towards lan zhan to look at him and at the same time lan zhan also looked at him. Wei ying smiled at him but frowned when he saw lan zhan's eyes. His eyes...... His eyes held pain?? Not just pain but immense pain. It seemed as if the more he stared the more the pain increased. Lan zhan suddenly clutched his chest and closed his eyes tightly as if to suppress the pain. So.... He is right. Lan zhan is in pain. He tried to hurry to his side but some fuckers have a good timing.
"well, well i see everyone is present on time. Good. Now let's start the class. So have you all memoriesd the glorious history of our clan?" wen chao said with an ugly smirk. Wei ying closed his eyes to suppress the boiling anger but soon he thought of an idea. An mischievous one at that.
Everone stayed silent. And there came our cute trouble maker. "me! Me!! " wei ying said as he made his way to the front. "great. It's our little wei pet." wen chao said with a snort. Wei ying just laughed slightly ."haha for your information i may not be little as someone here does. Wanna see?" wei ying said with a smirk. Hearing this wen chao's blood boiled. "you!!! Huh! Let's see how long you can run that mouth of yours" "sorry it's just my mouth can't stand stupidity." wei ying shrugged his shoulders "So you want me to recite or not?" wei ying asked as he sent a bored look to wen chao. "fine. Start. You better recite it as it is in the book" wen chao snorted angrily. Wei ying smiled and started stretch his arms. He bent and swirled. He kept doing this for a good five minutes. "ARE YOU GOING TO START OR NOT?" wen chao yelled at him. Lan zhan and Jiang cheng threw him worried glance while others just anticipated on what's going to happen next. "yeah, yeah what's the rush. Here i go!" wei ying smiled mocking at wen chao and threw a gentle smile at lan zhan. "do not kill within the boundary.
No tresapping.
No entry after 9 p.
Do not make noise.
Do not run.
Be filial.
No alcohol–""STOP IT. What the hell do you think you are doing. What kind of bullshit did you just recited!!!" wen chao spatted angrily. Wei ying smirked internally but acted as if he did not do it on purpose. "oops, sorry I accidentally recited my spouse's clan ruled and to tell you what it's much better than your shitty clan's sucking rules." wei ying smirked mockingly while looking straight into his eyes with a peicing gaze. Wen chao shuddered for a second at the gaze but qucikly composed himself and that's when the realization hit him. Lan zhan turned a tomato red. Wei ying winked at him with a flying kiss. Lan zhan quickly turned his gaze away so he wouldn't not notice his pained eyes. "spouse?? How dare you!! And the nerve you have to disgrace my clan!" wen chao was furious. He then turned towards lan zhan. " lan zhan oh lan zhan! It seems like you haven't told him yet–"DON'T" lan zhan said threateningly. Wei ying looked at lan zhan confused. 'what's happening' he thought internally. "then you better let him know his limits. Should not you lan wangji!?" wen chao said with venom dripping his words. Lan zhan looked at wei ying and shooked his head lightly but sternly as if telling him not to do anything reckless. Wei ying was really bothered now. There is so many things going and he have no idea about anything. But he just stayed silent and looked at lan zhan expressing his confusion and helplessness through his eyes. Lan zhan averted his gaze. "now wei wuxian, it's time for your punishment for disrespecting our clan". Wei ying just looked straight at his eyes as if saying he could care less about the so called punishment. "guards. Drag him to our dungeon. NOW!" jiang cheng clenched his fists and closed his eyes. He could do nothing but watch his only brother getting dragged. If he do something then it would only make the situation more worse than it already is. Lan zhan maintained a stlic face but man if only looks could kill, wen chao would be hundred feets below the ground by now. Amidst all this our wei ying just smiled and waved at everyone as if he has just been invited to grammy's awards[ author's brain can't think of any other metaphor. Please endure😣).

In the dungeon:
"wei wuxian you really crossed the limits this time. It seems like i have to tame you real good" wen chao said as if he has the world around his finger. "tame me?? Hahahaha! Wen chao oh wenchao it seems you still have not realized it but I Wei Wuxian is UNTAMEBLE!" wei ying threw him one of his infamous smirk that clearly says 'don't mess with me'. "cocky muck?" wen chao snorted angrily. " no, I speak because I know , I can and I will" wei ying said smoothly. Wen chao glared at him and whispered something in his ears. The guard nodded and left. Wen chao also left but not before throwing a nasty smirk at wei ying.

Sooooo...... I am sorry seniors and my dear sweeties.

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