Let's get married

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He may not show it but he is hella worried. The moment he heard about the cloud recesses massacre he felt as if his heart just stopped. He had been restless since then. Only when he heard that they are alright and that lan xichen returned, did he feel at ease but still something about this meng yao didn't sit right him but of course he won't show it. When his father arranged the discussion conference, he looked to forward to it as he knows lan xichen will attend it. He loved the man since he saw him the first time which was at a night hunt. Since then they have been exchanging letters and their parents decided to betrothed them. Jiang cheng got a little sad when xichen said he would have to postpone the marriage but he understood him since he is the future heir he must have his reason.

The conference:

       The conference was held in lotus pier with the four major sects. Jiang cheng fidgeted nervously on his seat. The lan sect entered and lan xichen lookes at him. Jiang cheng felt his breath hitch and felt his eyes getting teary. Oh how he missed this man. Lan xichen looked at him and shook his head slightly with a smile as to telling him not to cry. Jiang cheng could only nod his head with the little smile and teary eyes. The conference began. The sunshot campaign was planned. It will take place in one month. They needed to make sure everything was set before attacking. The meeting was adjourned and everyone left to the banquet. Jiang cheng dragged lam xichen to his quarters without anyone noticing. Then he locked his door and turned towards him. "lan huan how are you? You are alright right? Were you hurt?" he asked him while examining him. "chengcheng slow down. See i am completely alright. You do not need to worry." he said as gently kissed his forehead. Then he lookes at him intently. "wanyin" lan xichen whispered huskily. Jiang who got the gaze looked back with same hunger before diving in. The lips met and they kissed ferociously as if they have been starved for months and it's true. Lan huan roamed his hands on jiang cheng's back while jiang cheng got his hand under his hair and massaged his scalp. Lan huan then withdrew his lips and started to suck on his collorbone and neck leaving hickeys. "ahh..lan...lan huan..!" jiang cheng moaned tilting his neck giving more access. He pulled his hair gently. Lan xichen grinned against him. "oh..yes! Yes! Huan!!...ohh" jiang cheng moaned. Lan xichen suddenly stopped. "wh... Why did you stop~~" jiang cheng whined. "Cheng'er we can't do this. We are not married yet" lan xichen said trying to control his desire when he looked at jiang cheng's wretched state. " i don't give a fuck about that" he tried to kiss him again but lan xichen stopped him. "cheng'er" he said helplessly. "....then.... Let's get married". "what jiang cheng this is not joke–" "i am serious let's get married! Now!" "bu..but how?" [damn that ryhmes]. Like this he pulled LX forehead ribbon and his own purple ribbon too. He tied the lan ribbon around his wrist and purple ribbon around lan xichen wrist. " I, Jiang cheng of yunmeng jiang sect hearby swear on heaven, earth and my ancestors that i take lan huan as my lawfully wedded husband and promise to be a faithful partner. Till death do us apart" he said while looking into lan xichen's eyes. Lan xichen looked amazed at first but then smiled gently while shaking his head. " I , lan huan of gusu lan sect, hearby swear on heaven, earth and my ancestors that i take Jiang cheng as my lawfully wedded hus–....wife and promise to be a faithful partner until death do us apart" he finishes with a teasing smile looking at jiang cheng's flushed face. He them approached him. The hunger returned and then..............told ya guys no smut now but they did the deed.

At the banquet:
The xicheng couple entered. Jiang cheng slightly limping but it was barely noticeable and lan huan with bright face. Meng yao who was there looked at them with menacing eyes but quickly replaced it with a smile. They took their seat and the banquet begin. Everyone was enjoying except wei wuxian who looked at lan zhan's face from time to time. Zewu also seems to be checking on him time to time. He sighed helplessly.

At qishan wen clan :

           Wen ruohan fumed. "THEY KILLED BOTH MY SONS!!! Now who will get me the yin iron? HOW DARE THEY!" he roared. "i can get it for you" came a voice. "who's there?" "your forefather" the voice replied. "show yourself damn" then he came with a devilish laugh with his devilishly handsome appearance. "who are you? What do you know about the yin iron? If you are here to waste my time then i will make you regret." wen ruohan roared. He already prepared his soldiers to declare war against the other sects. "the name's Xue Yang and i heard of your stupid decision of a war. Do you think you can win over them with a piece of yin iron??? How delusional!" xue yang laughed with mockery. "what do you know" wen ruohan asked. Xue yang smirked. 'seems like he fell into the trap. hmph what a fool' he thought.

At lotus pier:

     Everyone left after the meeting. guards surrounded the lotus pier as they stayed alert all the time knowing the wens would never let them go as they killed their sons. JC and LX decided to keep their marriage secret for a while. When everything is settled they would marry officially. Wei ying tried to talk to lan zhan but the latter left even before the banquet ended.

Two days later wei ying got letter from lan zhan. He was so happy and shocked. He read and it said to meet him in the hua town tomorrow ??? Hua town is located at the fair distance from yunmeng and gusu. Why did lan zhan want to meet there? He pondered but still got ready to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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