mischevious wei ying

630 28 2

Here is your second update in triple updates
"what are you laughing at?huh??" wen chao asked fuming in anger. "are you sure childe wen that lan zhan went alone" lan xichen asked sarcastically. "what do you mean" wen chao asked. "lan zhan said he would take his partner with him" lan xichen said smirking. "YOU!! Hahahaha you think he can?? He is only mine . If i can't have him then no one can." wen chao said while laughing like a mad man. Lan xichen panicked a bit hearing that but didn't show it. "And also sect leader lan i heard that the last piece of yin metal is kept hidden in the lan sect. It would be good for both of us if you just cooperate with us." wen chao said smirking. "childe wen its late now . I think you should go to bed" lan xichen said while smiling politely as if he heard nothing."you!! Haa so you won't give in, fine i have my ways" wen chao said fuming in anger then left.
At the forest:
                    "lan zhan don't you feel like someone is following us??" wei ying asked lan zhan. "mn i too think the same" lan zhan replied while trying to feel any negative enery in his surroundings. " lan zhan whats this fog, i can't see you. Lan zhan lan zhan where are you?" wei ying yelled cause a mist fog surrounded them. "wei ying i am here. Don't panic" lan zhan assured wei ying. Then wei ying got a idea in his mind. He used his qi energy to look around his surroundings but the mist suppresssed his energy. So he looked around while moving his hands here and there to find lan zhan. When he finally touch his sleeve, he pulled lan zhan by his arm and backhugged him. Lan zhan was shocked by the sudden move but then he recognises it's  wei ying. " wei ying what are you doing, let go" lan zhan said and tried to move but he can't as wei ying hugged him tighter. He can't use his power as both their powers has been supprresed by some unknown energy. "no i am not gonna let go. What if you get lost in the forest. So stay still and listen to gege . I will let you when the mist is gone" wei ying said sternly. "wei ying can't you really see that this is a trap?" lan zhan asked helplessely. "aah...oh...yeah why didn't i think of that before. Ok i will let you go but you have to call me wei gege first" wei ying demanded. " wei ying don't fool around" lan zhan asked still struggling to free wei ying's arms. "no,no i won't let go unless you call me wei gege. Come on call me quick quick" wei ying whined. "*deep sigh* wei gege" lan zhan said . His ears turned bright red . Wei ying let go of lan zhan and he started to smile like crazy and he is also blushing. Lan zhan closed his eyes and tried to focus on where the fog is coming from. Then he noticed something moving behind him. When he turned around he heard wei ying screaming. "lan zhaaaaannnn" then he unsheathed bichen and start swing it around in air to clear the fog. Then he start to run toward where wei ying screams coming from. He saw some black shadows surrounding wei ying and choking him. He used his spirit core to gahter all his energy and swing bichen towards the shadows. The shadows diappeares into thin air. Wei ying started coughing. "wei ying are you okay?" lan zhan asked while coming near wei ying who is sitting on the ground. "*cough* *cough* no...no...i am not okay....i...*cough* need air" wei ying asked while still coughing. " air ho...how to give air. What do i do wei ying" lan zhan asked slightly panicked. "come here" wei ying pulled lan zhan and attaches their mouths togehter. Lan zhan was shocked and don't know what to do. Wei ying pulled back and looked at lan zhan's flushed face. "ayee lan zhan give me air" wei ying said. Lan zhan is not in his sences so he just did what wei ying told him. He connected their mouths and and start to give air through his mouth. Wei ying smirked in satisfiacation. Lan zhan who saw wei ying smile came back to his sences and retracted immediately. Lan zhan stood up abruptly and started to walk quickly. Wei ying followed silently laughing. "So those fog were created by those black spirits but that doesn't seem like some normal spirits. Don't you think so lan zhan" wei ying asked. "mn..i think someone set them here purposely" lan zhan said. " if that's really the matter then whats the purpose of doing this" wei ying asked while thinking. "NO don't tell me.." wei ying said and looked at lan zhan in shock. Lan zhan also nodded at wei ying confirming his thoughts. "hahahah those idiots i can't believe they are this much dumb" wei ying said while laughing. "wei ying it's getting dark let's get a inn tonight to stay" lan zhan said. "hao" wei ying said continued to walk with lan zhan.
At cloud recess.
            Wen chao sent secret guards to search the whole cloud recess for yin metal without getting caught. But lan xichen and lan qiren already know that but they decided to stay silent since it's useless because yin metal is within lan zhan. Lan xichen took all the important scrolls of lan sect and kept it in his priavate room. After searching for the whole afternoon they can't find anything and returned to wen chao. "Young master we can't find anything" the guards reported to wen chao. Wen chao slammed the desk fuming in anger. "hmph those clever lans. I have my ways to deal with them. Soon they will face the consequences. " wen chao said and the guards disappeared.
At yi city.
           Wangxian get a inn [don't assume anything] and went to the receptionist to book a room. While talking to the receptionist wei ying signalled the owner to tell lan zhan that they only have one room. The owner smirked at them and told lan zhan that there is only one room available. Lan zhan looked at wei ying who looked everywhere but lan zhan. "wei ying" lan zhan called.
"yes lan zhan"
"there is only one room available"
"Should we look for another inn" lan zhan asked wei ying. Wei ying was panicked and tried to find something to convince lan zhan. "aah lan zhan i am really very tired and its also late. It's just one night. Let's stay here" wei ying said and yawn as if he was tired. Lan zhan looked at wei ying and decided stay at that inn.
      Unfortunatley there is two bed at the room. Wei ying who saw this pouted. Then wei ying went to take a bath first. Then lan zham also took a bath and both of them ate their dinner. Then they went to bed but wei ying can't sleep . He keep tossing around and the worst is the bed....

As i said i wrote 1200 words

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