you are "MINE"

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    "There is a two words that everyone have to say in thier life. "Sorry and Thank you" .
                 –Wen qing and wei ying
So guys here i am saying thank you for reading my story and sorry for not updating . I really sorry . I hope i will not repeat the same mistake . I will update soon from now on i think . And one more thing i know there is some silent readers , i myself is a silent reader but i will vote when i remember . Guys you dont have to vote because i dont need it . What i want is that , just let me know whether you like the story or not by alteast commenting .

    " comments are allowed but only TURTLES have the RIGHT to point out my mistakes " i wanna say this to some cheap persons called antis mainy yizhan antis that "YOU DONT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO CRITISIZE THE YIZHAN FANS" .
Now lets get into the story seniors.

         As the classes in cloud recesses goes by, wei ying got more into his flirting . Sometimes he purposely do something in between the classes to provoke lan qiren to get the punishment so that he can spend some time with lan zhan alone in the library . Lan zhan letting himself fall for wei ying but still kept his poker face and cold aura around him . When they kissed the first time , lan zhan got to know a secret that made him fall for wei ying even more .

#flash back# :
       " that? "  lan zhan stutters in utter shock . "Aah thats....thats....well..i...heard that its your nickname from zewu jun and–" lan zhan cut him "" wei ying facepalmed himself for caliing him xie yun without realizing and now he have to answer . "la...lan zhan...i..think we should get up first , what if someone sees us in this position??" wei ying diverted the topic and that's when lan zhan realized what position they were in so he quickly moved away and stood straight . "aah i forget shijie asked me to meet her in her room . I have to go now . See ya later lan zhan" wei yng waved at lan zhan and hurriendly went out leaving a confused lan zhan . "I should ask brother about this". Lan zhan thought to himself and went away from there.
{ guys i won't tell the full thing here which contains how and when they knew each other .you will know it guys eventually as the story goes }.
#####flashback end .

Present: At the class everyone is listening towards elder lan qiren who is teaching something related to the differentiation of spirits,demons,ghosts and monsters while all of a sudden they heard a loud sound which echoed the whole hall . "Diffrentiate between spirits and ghosts . Well good lesson elder lan qiren" a voice soudes through the hall . Everyone turned towards the owner of the voice . There they saw the first young master of wen clan wen chao. "Young master wen we thought you would not come to these lectures so we didn't send the invitations" lan xichen said with a smile but lan zhan and lan qiren knows that he clearly states that they are uninvited . "Yeah i don't need these lessons as i am already masterd in everything– "except showing respect" wei ying cut wen chao off . "You!! How dare you talk back at me" wen chao exclaimed angrily . "how dare me . Hhaha listen first know how to show respect and then talk to me . You are not qualified even to talk to me yet you are BARKING at me" wei ying said with a slight cold tone with a light smirk. "YOU!!" wen chao unsheated his sword and was about to attack wei ying when a blue lighted sword came forward to wei ying and the two swords clashed with each other and then wen chao sword fell down and the white blue sword returned to its owner who is none other than lan wangji.  Then lan xichen smiled lightely and came forward and stood in between wei ying and wen chao . "Sorry that we didn't welcome you on time childe wen . You must be tired by the journey so let me arrange a room for you to rest" lan xichen Spoke softly as if nothing had happened before . Wen chao just turns his face away with a "hmph" sound . Then a lady from the same wen sect came forward along with a boy who is also from the same sect . "Greetings sect leader lan , greetings teacher lan . i am wen qing healer of the wen sect and this is my brother wen ning . We came here for some matters and our sect leader prepared this gift for sect leader lan . Hope you will accept our present" she said while bowing down along with his brother who is showing a box in front of lan xichen . "Of course i accept it miss wen . Tell sect leader wen that he have my gratitude " lan xichen said while accepting the box from them and then he ordered some disciples to take them to thier room . Wen choa went away from there angrily follwed by his mens . And then lan xichen announced the class is over . So everyone is leaving while wei ying sitting in his seat watching lan zhan writing something on paper . When lan xichen noticed he smiled silently and took lan qiren out of there by saying that he have something to talk . When they leaved , the classroom was empty with only two people on it . Wei ying slowly got up from his seat and headed towards lan zhan who is immersed in writing.  He slowly walked and stood behind lan zhan and peeked on the paper . But he still can't see it clearly so he stood bent a little over to the side as to not to be seen by lan zhan but as a result he fell down on the lap of lan zhan who is shocked . Both of them stare into each other eyes as if they can see a world in each other's eyes . The one who broke the silence was once again wei ying's stomach . Lan zhan sighed under his breath and asked in a light annoying tone "why don't you eat properly" . "i..i..ate . Maybe it digested quickly . I think i need to eat again and by the way i was not peeking on your paper . I just want to see what you are doing . nothing else . Now bye" wei ying said and hurriedly stood up and walked out . He doent know why but he is over exclaimed and overjoyed whenever he is around lan zhan and want to do something to him . So thaets why he always run away in this situation but thanks to his appetite which in one way save him and in other way disturb thier moments . 
In the evening wei ying was roaming around the cloud recesses as he was bored . When he went to the river banks , there he saw that same boy who he saw this morning in class. Wen ning was prcaticing archery and he was immersed in that , that he didn't even noticed a staring gaze upon him . He is aiming a fruit in a tree that was on the top of the hill . But his hand is trembling a bit and his aim is not clear . When wei wuxian noticed this he came forward and said "keep your hands and elbows straight and your shoulders tight" in a sttict tone . Wen ning was shocked at the sudden voice and he totally aimed the wrong target  and the target is none other than lan wangji . fortunately he only turned the arrow and was about to shoot . So wei ying came forward and held both of his hand which is holding a bow and arrow and shoot it towards the fruit.  Then he sighed relief so wen ning also . "Thank you gongzi" wen ning said and bowed . "Its ok be careful next time , if you want i can teach you some archery" wei ying said with a smirk as he know lan zhan is wathching them from the beginning . "My pleasure young master..." wen ning stops as he  don't know his name . "Wei , wei wuxian" wei ying said . "Thank you young master wei . My sister would search for me , so i have to go now . See you later young master wei"wen ning said and leaved after bowing . When wei ying turned his gaze lightly to the hill.  Wangji was already gone . So he immediately went to search on him . When he crossed the back hill he heard some noises so he went to check on it as he is curious . When he went there he was amazed at such a beautiful sight where lan zhan is complaining wei wuxian to a fluffy white ball called bunny . He internally laughs at how cute wangji is when he is pouting and sulking . Then suddenly out of nowhere wen chao jumped in front of lan zhan . Lan zhan was alerted when someone came out of nowhere so he immediately unsheated his bichen and stood up to see the intruder but when he saw it is wen chao he become more angry but controlled it and asked "this is a forbidden place for outsiders . Leave" lan zhan said in a very cold voice . Wei ying was seeing all this but he decided to watch fully then act . "Mm i think you forget , i am not a outsider but your boyfriend"said wen choa with a smirk , an ugly smirk . Lan zhan immediately unsheathed his bichen and was about to attack but– *clash* suubian attcked first and  stood  in air in front of wen chao's neck and yet to attack but it stopped and stood in the air because wei ying ordered it do so . Lan zhan also shocked seeing the sword but when he turned his gaze back , there stood wei ying with fire in his eyes . Then wei ying came forward and pulled his sword back and stood in front of wen chao . "HOW . DARE . YOU to call him your boyfriend . HE . IS . MINE . Now FUCK OFF" wei ying literally roared . Wen chao got shivers hearing the voice , fear can be seen in his eyes but he quickly hide it and said "we will see wei wuxian" wen chao said and left becuase he knows if he create any scene then it will only be the loss of him as he knows how powerful the two of them can be . When wen chao left , wei ying sheathed his suibian and turned towards lan zhan with his bunny smile as if nothibg had happend but soon that bunny smile turned into a mischievious smirk and he slowly walked towards lan zhan who froze on his spot . Wei ying slowly went near lan zhan's ear and whisphered " You . Are . MINE " and he left leaving our almighty hanguang jun fully dazed with tomato cheeks and a light smile which created because of shyness .

Hehe shorry but thats it for today . I will update next chapter as soon as possible and maybe these chapters will be boring but please continue to read . It will get interesting as it goes . Now bye bye xie xie

 Now bye bye xie xie

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Lets welcome Mrs . Lan Wuxian hehehe😊😊💖💖💖

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