Elder Lan Yi - WangXian

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Please read the chapter " you are mine" because i rewrite it and i slightley changet the storyline also so please read it again if you don't want to be confused . Ok then lets get into the story and i am really sorry for updating this late .

The next day in cloud recess : ot was morning, wei ying already got ready for his class and now he is roaming around in cloud recess as it was still 8.30 am and the classes start at 9.00 am . When he was near the water falls he saw the same lady named wen qing who he saw yesterday. He approached her with silent movements . Sensing someone behind her , wen qing immediately pulled out her needles from her sleeves and poinred it towards wei ying who freeze on his spot once he saw the needles . "La..lady wen we...can talk. No need for violence. " wei ying said while smiling . Wen qing recognised him so she put her needles back in her sleeves . "What are you doing here??" wen qing asked . "Well..supposed to be my question" wei ying said with a smile . 'Nothing" wen qing said and went away from there. "Why do i feel like there is something wrong with this wen clan.. There must be something" wei ying said to himself while holding his chin thinking something deeply. Then out of nowhere he was pushed into the waterfall by something or someone so he fell from the hill to the water stream . "Aaaahhh" lan zhan who just now come to the hill saw the scene and Immediately jumped after wei ying to save him . But instead of drowning , wei ying was lead to a cave that seems to be under the water streams and lan zhan also came there .
"lan zhan"
"wei ying are you ok"
"Yeah i am ok"
"Why did you fall , do you want to die??" lan zhan asked with a slight angry tone but concern can be seemed on his face .

"Yey , who would want to die at such a young age . I am not fool ok . It seems as if something or someone pushed me , since i have no time to react immediately fell into the water but instead of being in the water why am i here??" wei ying asked with curious tone . "Lan zhan lan zhan do you know this place ??" wei ying asked . "No its my first time here." lan zhan said while taking a looking at their surrounding. "Hmm is that so?? Then i think- hey lan zhan see there!! There is a guqin" wei ying said excitedly while running towards the guqin which is placed neatly in a white snow like stone. Wei ying went towards the guqin but when when he was about near the guqin , a sudden white light emitted from the srrings of the guqin and slashed towards wei ying who didn't expect such a attack flew backwards because of the energy of the light. But lan zhan was fast  enough to catch wei ying from falling down backwards . "Woah!! What was that . Lan zhan is it planning to kill me??" wei ying asked with a shocked expression while pointing at himslef. Lan zhan didn't say anyhting but went towards the guqin . This time the guqin didn't do anything to him. Wei ying was shocked. "Aah it's really trying to kill me . How come it didn't do anyhthing to you??" wei ying asked while slowly walking towards the guqin again and this time also the guqin emitted the white light and attcked wei ying and wei ying fell into the pool . Lan zhan who was observing something didn't notice wei ying coming so when he heard thud slash in water he turned to wei ying side and there stood wei ying fully wet and with pouty lips. "Lann zhannn!!!" wei ying whined . "Wei ying just stand there till i ask you to come. Don't do anything "lan zhan said and went to sit infront of guqin to analize. "Hmph ok ok" wei ying said and stood there thinking of something to get near the guqing then-it dawned on his mind . "Lan zhan! Lan zhan! I think since this place belongs to lan clan then that mean that guqin also must be belong to the lan clan ancestors. And i think its recognized you as a lan because of your headband that't why it didn't attack you . Lan zhan come here . Give me your headband" wei ying said excitedly . "Bu..but" lan zhan hesitated at first but eventually came to him . When lan zhan was about to tie his headband at both of their wrists , wei ying asked suddenly " lan zhan instead of tying it on the wrists why don't we tie it on our both little fingers". Lan zhan was confused at first but when he got its meaning he tied it on wei ying wrists and on himself too. "shameless" lan zhan muttered after tying it but wei ying who heard that laughed loudly. "Ok ok lets go" wei ying said and then both of them went towards the guqin. Lan zhan sat in front guqin and was about to play while wei ying sat beside guqin on the rock . Lan zhan glared at wei ying because the guwin seems to be belong to their ancestors and we should show  them respect. Wei ying immediately moved and stood there laughing nervously. Lan zhan started to play with his closed eyes . While he was playing there is a blue light that was emitting from the guqin started to spread and surrounded lan zhan like a barrier. When wei ying saw this he understand that lan zhan was playing inquiry in order to know . So he just stood there. When lan zhan opened his eyes and stopped playing, the blue light slowly turned into a human shape and finally there stood a beautiful women in lan sect clothes with a rabbit in her hands which has blue eye with a lan sect headband on its head. Then wei ying notices that there is many more rabbits behind that women.

(Please imagine the rabbit eyes in blue colour😅😅)
Lan zhan immediatley recognised her and kneeld infront of her showing his respect . Wei ying who saw this immediately followed lan zhan and kneeled beisde him too . "Lan zhan courtesy name lan wangji shows his respect to elder lan yi . I have heard about . I am gald to meet you "wei ying courtesy name wei wuxian from yunmeng jiang sect shows his respect lan clan elder lan yi . I have heard about you too. You are the first and only women disciple of the lan clan . Its an honor to meet you" then both of bow towards while kneeling . "Please stand up" lan yi said and went to sit on her which lan zhan previously sat. "you are..?" she asked with a gentle voice looking at wei ying . Wei ying smiled and came forward. "I am wei ying courtesy name wei wuxian . Father name wei changse , mother name cangse sanren , grand mother name baoshan sanren. I was raised by yunmeng jiang sect." Wei Ying completed with a smile . 'You are...baoshan's grandson??" lan yi asked with a shocked face . "Ye..yes . You know my grand mother elder lan??" wei ying asked with a confused expression . All this time Lan Zhan just stood there froze because of some information that splitted from wei ying's mouth . [i will explain why he is shocked later guys. Pleade read the "you are mine" chapter again because i made some changes there] .

Ok ok seniors . I am ready to catch your slippers that you all have been waiting to throw on me but one condition please don't throw shoes because it hits hard than slippers. So i am really really really sorry for late . 👉👈bdbxhhxjsjansbdhhxa👉👈i am shorry . And one thing again please read the "you are mine" again if you want to understand the storyline because i made some changes there .

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