Chapter 7

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All eyes on me... Again

~Nero's POV~

"Well shit, you didn't have to scare me to death!" Akio said, while hitting me in the head with the palm of his hand. "Well... You wanna check if the dick sucking hoes are ready?" I said, about to walk off. "Sure" Akio said, following along. We went upstairs to go see if Haru and itsuki were ready, but as soon as we got up the stairs... These stupid cockroaches decided it was a good ass fucking idea to jump on us which sent us all flying off the stairs.

And what's worst, it caused a fucking scene! Everyone that was walking out of their dorms were starring at the 4 idiots who fell down the goddamn stairs because 2 other idiots wanna jump on people when they just came up the stairs! I bashed my head on the ground, but not super hard... I don't know about the others but all I know is that I'm gonna rearrange itsuki's jaw, and Haru's leg!

We all struggled to get up off the floor, while I! Tried to hit one of them for jumping on Me and Akio. We were grunting in pain, well... They were, I was just silent while trying to get up. Once we all got up off the floor, we all stood there for a little minute... Then me and Akio attacked them by dragging the idiots by the hair alllll the way down to the school.

"You 2 are fucking lucky I won't use my quirk on you!" Aiko said, dragging Haru while smacking him in the head. "When's a fucking time you never use your quirk on us when your mad?!" Itsuki said, trying to get out of my grip... I have a tight ass grip nobody can get past me. A few minutes later of dragging these idiots, we finally made it to class... Even though it starts in a hour still, but I didn't care. I dragged itsuki to his seat and aggressively picked him up and dumped him into his seat, but upside down.

Then I went to my own seat, put my air pods in and listen to my Favorite song, while itsuki was cussing all the words in the dictionary... For a kid to be the son of a pure hero... I don't know where the fuck he Learned these words cause it sure wasn't from me... "Itsuki shut the fuck up!!" Akio said, as he shoved Haru in his seat and then sat in his own. "Y'all legit shoved us in our chairs!" Itsuki said, finally getting out of the chair... But falling out of the chair. "Then your stupid asses shouldn't of fucking jumped at us! What the fuck was going through your brain thinking that! Was a good idea to fucking jump on me and Akio when we just got up the stairs!?" I said, forcefully making a bonfire with my head.

"We was trying to scare you" Haru said, struggling to sit normally in his seat. "But enough about that, teach said that we're gonna be looking in the room that we went to with the villans in it" itsuki said, now this is probably my 5th or 3rd time going in there...and to be honest, I don't think I wanna go in there. Tomura might stare at me again... Good thing I wore that fucking mask. "Now that we're on the topic... Anyone wonder why Tomura shigaraki was starring at Nero?" Haru asked, as he was finally sitting right in his seat. "Maybe because... He knows about his three quirks, he probably wants to use Nero to end peace" Akio said.

Is that really the reason...? Or does he really know me? But then itsuki said something that I've been thinking ever since. "Ya know, I think it's because he knows Nero...and not to make Nero sound sus or anything... But he kinda looks like shigaraki, does he not?" Itsuki said, as they were all looking at me in suspect. I looked at them with a (y'all are fucking weird) expression. "Do y'all really think I look like him?!" I said, feeling offended a little.

"Well yea... Kinda" akio said, "... Bitch!? You know damn well we all kinda look the same in this fucking anime show!" I said, "NOT THE FUCKING FOURTH WALL BREAK!" Haru yelled, "YES BITCH! The fourth wall break hoe!" I said, as I was completely triggered. But before anyone could say anything else, the bell rung and students started rushing in to take their seats.

"Alright class! Today we're looking at the villans the main pro's captured years ago" the teacher said, I was about to put my airpods back in... But then the teacher said something... Unbelievable. "As you should know before we go... While the pros found them, they had a baby... That baby was tooken care of, and now he goes here to U.A with all you other students" the teacher said, as a student raised her hand. "Yes..?" The teacher asked, "what was the babies name?" The girl asked, "ummm, the Pro's wants the name to be secret till further notice" the teacher said. But while the teacher was talking, I couldn't help but notice her eyes look at me for a half second then back at the class.
"Alright class, let's go" the teacher said, as everyone got up and followed behind the teacher.

~few Minutes later~

"Alright class, we've arrived" the teacher said, as we was all standing in front of the cell I dumped those 2 in. Good thing they were still in there, I quess the Pro's were planning on putting them there anyways, I just did these mother fuckers a favor.

~Tomura's POV~

Me and Dabi were having a weird conversation, well Dabi started the conversation first by yelling he saw a fucking demon and he couldn't swing at it cause his body wasn't reacting. I've been trying to tell him he probably had a sleep paralysis for a half hour! But he wasn't listening, he was panicking too much. But while arguing something was telling me to turn around, but I didn't want to. But then Dabi stopped yapping about this "demon" he saw, and was starring at something behind me. I quess I should have listened to what ever in my head was telling me to turn around cause when I did, I see a whole class of kids starring at me and Dabi.

"Baby... What are they doing?" Dabi said, leaning towards my ears. "I think we a museum now boo" I said, starting get triggered.

~Nero's POV~

I was standing behind everyone so Tomura wouldn't see me, "okay class, we seem to have got their attention, you see these are the most dangerous villians could ever exist in history" the teacher said, but while everyone was focused on the teacher, I was focused on the villians... Good thing I didn't take my eyes off them, cause Tomura slowly got up too his feet and went to the other side of the cell... It was a big cell if I'm not being honest.

I was confused on what he was doing cause his fists were clenched... And he looked triggered, and Dabi... Was also looking confused. But then... Tomura started sprinting at the glass that we were behind, while Dabi was about to get up and stop him. But it was to late as Tomura soonly hit the glass with his head making the glass crack into small and big pieces, and this got everyone's attention real quick as Tomura was trying so hard to stay on his feet but failed to. He slowly falls back, while Dabi runs too him checking if he was okay.

(He's fine... The glass is thin)

Everyone for some reason started screaming and moving back which had me exposed, and as they did Dabi looked up at the screaming crowd. But then he saw me, he did the same Tomura did. But this time... I had a whole squad class looking at me now... Everyone quickly started to whisper, and some looking at me strange. "Nero, he's looking at you" a student said, "wow ya Sherlock" I said, already annoyed. The teacher noticed Dabi starring me and this happened. "Alright class! Nero's not the center of attention so let's go back to the classroom" the teacher said.

Is it me or am I a little offended what the teacher said about me...

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