Chapter 11

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I hate you all!

~Nero's POV~

I had 2 Pro's holding me back this time, and it was getting even more difficult to get to deku cause Shinsou and Bakugou were holding me back. The word Murder was running in my head repeatedly, along with hate. Tears were running down my face... MY FUCKING EYELINER! "I FUCKING HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU HERO'S!" I yelled, as my voice started to break and more big ass tears started to run down my face... I was fighting back so much, that denki and Kirishima had to help carry me out as well while I was throwing a whooooole temper tantrum.

But all I know is... I probably did a number Bakugou's face cause I kicked him square in the face with my heavy and big ass boots.

~husbando Dabi's POV~

It literally took 4 Pro's to carry my son out of the room, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU DEKU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOUUUUU!" Nero yelled, I could see in the distance he was lighting shit on fire which made it harder for Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and Shinsou to carry him out. As they were carrying Nero out, Deku was still on the floor with burn marks on his neck. He was still trying to catch his breath after Nero nearly killed him, and shoto was checking if he was alright. "Look at what YOU DID!" Deku yelled, as he got up and rushed to the window and stared deep into tomura's eyes. "I didn't do a goddamn thing, accept telling my son the truth!" He said, while scratching his neck, "We were trying to protect him!" Shoto yelled, as he also got up and walked up to the window. "Protect my son from what!?" I yelled back, I couldn't be more angry then this... We were just trying to get home, and they just had the audacity to just take our son away like we're a "bad influence" to him. "We're protecting him from you! Yea he may be your son but do you know how much damage he would have caused to this world if you raised him!? He's powerful enough to destroy this city!" Deku yelled, I didn't like how he was yelling at me or Tomura... I feel like a fucking kid.

It was silent for a moment as Tomura slowly stopped scratching his neck, but as he did... This bitch punched both of his hands through the thin glass and started choking the fuck out of deku. I wasn't gonna hold him back but shoto was already on it when Tomura decided to struck, "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" deku said, while coughing and gripping his throat. "I think you already know the answer to that you piece of shit" Tomura said, in his calm but scary voice.

"You know what!? None of this will matter! Cause you won't be seeing Nero anytime soon... Or ever!" Deku said, our attention soonly went to a distant scream. We didn't know what it was at first but then we saw blue flames, and I could take a guess who it was. I quess they couldn't get him out the room the way he was trying to fight them off, every second the screaming became clearer until then we saw our son breaking shinsou's arm. Then he kicked him too the side while panting, once he caught his breath he jerked his head facing both shoto and deku. At this point I thought he turned into a fucking demon for a second, I expected him to start sprinting towards him like a fucking demon, but he did the smart thing and used his third quirk, puncturing deku in his stomach.

(Omg I'm making the hero's sound so evil🤣... Wait... Nevermind they are evil, well in my perspective... Have a great hell day😁)

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