2. The smallest coffin you have , please.

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Trigger warning : infant death , depression.

Elizabeth's gaze swivelled over the waiting room, looking for a place to sit. Her night gown was slightly undone and her hair was a bigger mess than the current politics considering the fact that her husband was murdered on live television. The media was right out of the hospital, A TV played quietly in the corner of the room.

A distraction might help her get her mind off the current situation....The situation being her child not waking up from his sleep. His breathing was slowed down when she approached his cradle, heir's left as soon as she realized. In frenzy she left her house in her night gown and an old robe of Thomas's.

She almost had an accident on her way here.

The seat besides the TV stood empty, sandwiched between an old shivering women and a sweating man. Taking a seat she clasped her hands tightly in between her thighs, praying to god for the well fare of her child.

"Don't worry....children faint in their sleep all the time."

Elizabeth's head turns to the old women beside her. Her eyes don't meet her, rather the stick in her hands. She lets out a breath, and nods smiling at the women.

"Thank you"

A doctor walked into the waiting room and called out her name. As an instinct she got up hastily and almost ran up to him

"Yes that's me."

He looks up from his clip board....with guilt-ridden gaze "you might want to sit down Mrs Hudson"

"Elizabeth. Please call me Elizabeth" She was quick to correct it. It was just that she hated hearing his name....disgusted to the core.

"Okay...Elizabeth, please sit down"

"No I'm good. When is he getting discharged? He is okay right?"

"Ma'am....i would really suggest sitting down"

"Just tell me goddamn it! How is my kid?!?!"

"Ma'am...i regret to inform you but he passed away in his sleep...it was a heart attack"

And that was the moment she had lost the purpose of her life, it was as if her surroundings were drowned out, she saw a few nurses rushing towards her, but it was all blurred out by the tears. If she could wish for something, it would be in his place. Now more than ever she wanted to just....stop breathing.

It was when she felt back hit the soft cushions of the chair, that when it came. The throbbing in her heart, it was slow at first.

Very slow.

Praying with all the strength in her, that it would eventually stop beating.

"Ma'am , Ma'am ? We need you to fill in some forms "

She looks up to the nurse with genuine care in her eyes, she is smiling softly and her cold hand gently rests on Elizabeth's shoulder. She nods. Wiping the tears in her eyes by the edge of her sleeve. It still has small milk stains that she fed him with just this night.

"Yes" she sniffs "Can you give me a min? And perhaps point me to the bathroom?"

The nurse nods "let me take you there"

Elizabeth hardly even feels her comforting hand steering her to the bathroom's way. Soon enough they are in a hallway away from the noise of the T.V. As she is completely lost in her thoughts, she feels a door close behind her and that pulls her attention to the nurse, they are in the bathroom.

"Ma'am there is something I have to tell you"

She looks up confused as the nurse's hand grips her elbow a little tighter "what?"

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