28. Lisichka

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"David!" Martha hisses , her jaw clenched and teeth gritted "David , hand. Now!"

David leans over the hospital bed , finger outstretched and expression concerned -only to have his palm seized and crushed by Martha , who is at this point is struggling as if against invisible restraints , the sheets knotted beneath her and oxygen mask is pressed to her mouth.

"Don't look at me like that !" she snaps , when David's eyes widen at her pain "You did this to me"

"Technically" Vincent interrupts , "the baby conceived was a result of Mutual decision of unprotected activities -"

Elizabeth elbows him in the side and harshly gestures him for silence. He frowns in confusion but chooses to not speak further on the topic. The ward has been decorated in an appropriately festive manner , a small sedentary Christmas tree is in the room , decked in drooping lights. Martha's bag lies on the discarded alcove beneath the window , containing miniature pastel jumpers scattered across the room.

Martha's breathing becomes rapid and Elizabeth looks down at the bed , watching in panicked consternation as she removes the oxygen mask to groan , a deep , guttural noise that is pulled from the back of her diaphragm. She arches her back , eyes closed and muscles tensed.

The midwife takes one look at the scene and drops the medication papers she was carrying and adopts a new informative persona and instructs Martha on the pushing processes , before exiting the room to call the doctor . Now the medical ward is filled with medical professionals and everything becomes a little hazy , Martha's face twists in agony , and the noises stop , as the room holds their breaths.

There is a muffled voice at Elizabeth's side , addressing David "Do you want to see the head?"

David gapes at the doctor and numbly cranes his neck to the side , "Jesus.."

His face drains and he looks away quickly.

"What? What is it , David?!" Martha pants out , breathless

"It's very ....red"

"Oh for god's sake , David!" Elizabeth says , as she holds the othet hand of Martha , "get a grip , its not the first time you've seen red!"

Martha screams , a real pain-laced sound that chills Elizabeth to her core and then its quite unexpectedly. Martha's expression is relaxed and her head falls limp against the pillow. Her chest is now slowly heaving for air.

There is a thin , high pitched wail and something bloody is carried away from Martha , over to a table , obscured by the view of the bulk of staff waiting.

Elizabeth glances at Vincent , he is positively pale. Startled , shocked and surprised do not do justice to his expression , his hands are folded on top of each other. He leans down , onto Elizabeth and whispers "You went through that?!"

Elizabeth chuckles , "Yes , i did"

"Well , that's the most terrifying thing I've witnessed in my life"

"Weren't you a street fighter?"

"Aggression is natural , an emotion-but this...." His face twists in an astounding expression "it...just popped out of her! "

Elizabeth can't help but laugh at his wide eyes , and agape mouth . She presses a gentle hand on his shoulder and mutters "you say it like you haven't seen a women give birth"

He turns to her , eyes narrowed "You say it like i conceive babies for a living. Quite the opposite actually"


He rolls his eyes , "oh not like that , i don' t kill babies. I just make sure their people can't procreate"

"For some reason-"Elizabeth says with partial confusion and surprise laced in her tone "-that just sounds worse..."

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