Authors Note

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It is on this upbeat , ending point I conclude Seraphic Bliss.

I'm struggling to comprehend the overwhelmingly positive response on this work of fiction of mine and the sheer quantity of the enthusiastic comments on each chapter continue to amaze me. I know there are annoying mistakes as a result of my lazy proof reading and you have my sincerest apologies for that I am slowly and surely correcting it . I also know my updates have been slightly irregular but know this firmly that I appreciate each  vote and each comment and every reader that has stuck along , this series. 

I think it is fair to say that this series has served a much welcomed escapism. 

After much deliberation and near existential crises I have chosen this book to be the end of the bliss  series. I have chosen to let Victoria , Elizabeth , Lucas and Vincent and multiple other characters who I created to pose as people bearing parts of me , my traits and expressionism-go.

 It has been a great pleasure to write for you all , as you bared with me through the occasional grammatic mistakes ,  heartbreaks  , questionable morals and  dark abstract representations in this book. 

I believe this is goodbye , for now. A pleasant one at that .

Thank you , all once again , Hope your Vodka is always chilled , your tea brewed  perfectly , your codes run fluently and your time reading my book passes blissfully. 

~ Harshu 

: ) 

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