20. The packaged goods

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Its been two weeks, now.

Elizabeth is still in the hospital , but only for monitoring now, Certain that she hasn't sustained any brain damage because she can think as coherently as before , with a few deviations. She has had occasional visits from Myla , Vincent and David.

Victoria hasn't shown her face anywhere till now , Elizabeth remembers a few flashes her screaming and the horrified look on Victoria's face , tears brimming her eyes and her quivering hands , a nasty burn on the side of her arm and her hair were dusty .

That was the last time she saw her.

A sharp pain strings through her head , whenever she tires remembering the details of events that occurred in the club that night. Being hit with the back of a gun , and then its all hazy . But she does remember listening to muffled chaos , from the trunk of a car. Shots being fired and screams , anguished screams of women mixed with her own throat- throbbing hollers for Victoria.

The curtain around her bed gets drawn back , a women in scrubs with a contagious smile and short blonde hair enters the area and pulls out a chair.

"Elizabeth Hudson"

"just Elizabeth , please"

"Yes- I'm sorry i didn't mean to. Anyways , this is the last thing you want after all those tests-but i promise this is the last one , it won't take long"

"okay" Elizabeth replies as the nurse opens a paper syringe packet " your English is Excellent by the way"

"Oh i hope so-" she laughs "I am English , I'm a medical receptionist . Here with David , since he's currently working here , i am getting experience training to be a nurse"


"Ah-" she pauses , holding up her hand a platinum rings sits on her ring finger "I'm guessing he didn't say"

"no..." Elizabeth frowns to herself as Martha walks towards her with a cotton , wiping the area she needed to draw out blood "You're his wife?"

"Yes" She smiles , inserting the needle in her veins. "he wanted to keep it on the low , since you know....world of crime is cruel" Her hand gazing a little too long on her womb , her smile never leaving.

"You're pregnant ?"

She nods

"congratulations" Elizabeth herself offers a kind smile.

"Thank you"

Elizabeth nods , observing her fingers , they are quite nimble and fast paced as she unscrews the vials and pockets the discarded needles. At first she thinks its because of Victoria , since she spends most of her time typing but Martha lacks Victoria's dexterity , her finger movements are much more deliberative.

"you know she cares for you , right?"

Elizabeth adverts her confident gaze , but Martha continues.

"She's been here day and night , living off of that awful coffee from a decade old machine in the corner of the hallway. I've seen her linger off outside the door of this ward more times I've seen David beat people up. Or shoot them" She takes out the needle and secures the blood sample "And knowing David- well i guess you know" she smiles.

The desperation and the fear in that moment she suffered , comes back in waves , trashing and screaming against the metal of the inside of the trunk , her throat drying up but her cries for Victoria don't stop , her nails bleeding from the scratches on the door. The memory flashes after coming down from a high , they were minutes before another but they were enough to render her poor heart .

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