14. Seven Deadly Sins : Wrath

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Her back isn't leaning against the concrete now, sore, however it still feels like its on clouds. For a minute she contemplates opening her eyes, afraid to find herself dead. But now that she is awake, her body despises doing what her mind desires. Struggling to peel her eyes open she tries pressing down her bowls to haul her torso up, feeling soft leather beneath her dip.

"Victoria?! Oh thank god you're awake"

She feels a gentle hand caress her back, the first thing she notices is the low humming of an engine and the consistent vibrations beneath her feet.

"Good morning, darling"


"its....dark outside though.."


"its past twelve"

"huh...yes , that...makes sense"

Her eyes snap open at the bickering duo, Elizabeth sits adjacent to her. She turns to look at the man sitting cross-legged across from her. She's quick to realize that she is on a private plane. The down lighting on the plane draws her attention to the high cheek bones and authentic menace in a three piece suit.

Fury , that's all she feels . Her legs on the verge of giving up but she is quick to get up from the seat and grabbing him by his collar, only to be met with dead blue eyes with a sinister smile.


"yes , darling ?"

"I'm done with you! "

He simply tilts his head , the smile intact, "jump out , then."

Pushing him back into his seat, she stands above him , "what if i just throw you out?"

He laughs "you could try , darling"

She is fuming, for reasons that she doesn't want to divulge into , its easier to snap his neck but it isn't easier to deal the with the consequences later

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She is fuming, for reasons that she doesn't want to divulge into , its easier to snap his neck but it isn't easier to deal the with the consequences later.

He shrugs off invisible dust from his suit and adjusts his jacket , "sit down , Victoria. We're finishing this once and for all"

Clenching her fists she obliges , sitting besides Elizabeth , her elbows resting on her open knee

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