41. Managements and Meetings

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"Stop" He said, his breath ragged "please, Elizabeth. What...happened?....what happened to you , my flower child?" He groaned in pain, clutching his stomach , or whatever remains of it anyway. Blood pools under him , on his clothes and stains his hands.

The sword spins in her hands , expertly "You should've never taught me how to work a blade if you didn't want me to use it , father"

"I wanted to protect you" He cries

"Oh well -" The blade shines in the limited lighting of the room , scarlet dripping from its edges "Look where it got us"

"I'm-" he gasps hoarsely and begins again "I'm sorry , flower girl"

She turns away , walking around his office as he leaned into a corner on the brink of slow death "Speaking of flowers. Ace Lavitsky..how did you find him?"

"I know how to keep an eye on my daughter , Elizabeth"

She closes her eyes , taking a deep breath as to not lash out , "So you willingly let me take drugs? When i was a teenager?"


Her gaze narrows down to the coward excuse of a father " you partnered up with that-monster , to get to me? And why Victoria?"

"That Smith women?" He coughs

Elizabeth nods

"She was a menace" he says "She must go"

Elizabeth tilts her head to the left and smiles a few unwanted tears staining her eyes "No , you do"

Her father smiles back , chuckling though his pain "We used to play dollhouse right here , you remember ? I wish I could have her back..."

"She died when you killed her child and when she found out her husband was a fraud and tired to murder her , she died when you knowingly introduced drugs in her system" she calmly replies , chin raised high and fire in her eyes. " Considering the terrible , gut wrenching things you have done. Death would be too sweet a fate for you , father"


"All that blood , father. So much red , All those innocent women , all those children who died before even getting a chance to live again , my child included. Did it feel good , father? Knowing you have blood of all those unlived lives on your hands?" she pauses as her voice cracks "Does guilt never catch up to you?"

"No guilt in trying to protect the ones you love"

Elizabeth walks over to her father , crouching down to his level -firm in her statement "Ace Lavitsky wasn't going to protect me or love at that. "

"We had a deal" He leans forward , "He was going to get you back to me , in turn i promised him your hand"

She looks at him in absolute disbelief "He is a murderer ! Fu*k , he is a paedophile. Children , father ! he has sexually assaulted children-no younger than seven. That's not even the worst part , they were assaulted pre and post mortem! Does that not deteriorate you? Such cruelty on such small lives."

"The world is sick , my flower child. It's the truth"

"No , the world is not. Even after all I've been through. I can tell you with the force of gods above , the world is not sick" She shakes her head "The people are. People like you"

Her body was littered with scars , very discernible from the half torn shirt she was wearing , results of the brawl with her father'sbodyguards. Guns strapped to her thigh holster was equally threatening .

And once when those blonde locks were intervened with daises . And the lips that upheld the smile of innocence was now distorted in a emotionless straight line and the strands of her free hair now blood tainted.

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