42. King of the Castle

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Warning: mention of sexual assault and incest

"Equals?" a raucous laugh echoes from  behind him , "oh , your delusion is amusing"

He keeps his hands folded as the footsteps become a shadow , and the shadow becomes a man. There is strange parallel in his features: he is impeccably well-groomed-his suit tailored , his tie pinned –he is glowing , his skin looks fresh with the lingering smell of aftershave , his jaw is relaxed meeting his lips in a welcoming smile –and behind the crystal gloss of his irises there is an imperceptible movement , a hunger not quiet satiated.

Ace Lavitsky finds it excruciatingly unsettling to observe.

Lucas Marcelo Zavier stands , his head to one side. There's a prolonged pause-and then he unbuttons his suit jacket and sits down , crossing his legs.

The distant whine of multiple sniper rifles perverts the silence from settling.

"Did you know" He says, with an air of absent minded nonchalance "That the human heart beats for sixty seconds after its removal from the chest cavity?"

"I did , actually"

"I'd very much like to see if your pretty red heart lasts sixty seconds , Ace"

Ace smiles his white smile "I would offer you a demonstration , Mr. Zavier , but I'm using it. I need to keep my heart where it is."

"For now"

"да for now"

Lucas spends a moment studying him-a dark scrutiny that tests his control-and then sits back , holding his hand out.

"Do you mind?"

Ace does not move.

"The knife"

Ace gulps , and Lucas narrows his eyes at the hesitation. Nervousness , and easily deduced emotion given away as he slowly reaches into the internal pocket of his blazer. The blade is warm and heated as he places it in Lucas's palm.

He holds it up to light "This isn't original"

"i misplaced the first one"

"hasn't seen much action , this one" He remarks "The virgin blade."

"Not quite"

"Oh?" Lucas angles the knife tilting it from side to side "You've polished it up something lovely , so white. We'll have to change that, here" He swiftly presses it to the tip of thumb "Consider it a gift"

He watches as the skin strains against pressure , then gives in , pierced by the polished dentine. A bead of dark blood collects on the surface. Lucas lifts it to his mouth , and then very slowly , very deliberately places his thumb-it's pearls held by a liquid casing-on his tongue. Neither men look away , the blood collects on the bottom of his lip.

A show of power.

After a small eternity , he lowers his hand and pulls a face.

"It used to be sweeter" The blade is handed back . "I'm growing bitter , Ace. Bitter and Tired of our game of cat and mouse. You're boring me"

Ace shrugs and pockets his knife "I cannot intrigue everyone i meet"

"No , no you can't" Lucas reaches into his own pocket and retrieves a gun ; its compact , buffed silver , glinting dully in the blue light like steel. He observes the flinch in the man opposite to him "Oh , im sorry , did i scare you?"

Ace brushes the thin film of dust from his blazer sleeve . "No. I am underdressed for tonight. It's cold in here"

Lucas laughs "Liar. You don't like guns , why's that i wonder? Did you lose someone to a bullet?"

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